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View the map of the world with autonomies

Sorting by autonomy сharacteristics: Name of autonomy · Autonomy population

thousands of people; the latest census

· Year of the creation of the autonomy · Autonomy area · Share of the autonomy in the area of the country · Political regime in the country

It is based on the Freedom House Index, 2015. All countries of the world are located on a scale from 1 (most free) to 7 (least free). Countries whose ratings fall between 1.0 and 2.5 are “Free”, between 3.0 and 5.0 are "Partly Free," and those between 5.5 and 7.0 are "Not Free."

· Share of the autonomy in the population of the country · Share of the autonomy in the economy of the country

GRP of the autonomy divided to GDP of the country (%)

· Level of economic development of the autonomy

relative to the country (%): GRP per capita of the autonomy divided to GDP per capita of the country

· Share of the titular ethnic group in the population of the autonomy

in %: population size of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy divided to overal population size of the autonomy (the latest census; expert estimations)

· Ethnic peculiarity

It indicates a key characteristic of autonomy's ethnic identity - language or religion or both

· Diversity of ethnic composition

The presence of other (in addition to the titular group in the autonomy and the dominant group in the country) significant ethnic groups in the population of the autonomy

· Degree of self-rule of the autonomy

It is based on the Regional Authority Index project that aims at measuring the powers of all the regions in 81 countries. Here the index "tier_selfrule" (2010) is used. It summarizes five dimensions of self-rule: institutional depth; policy scope; fiscal autonomy; borrowing autonomy; and the extent to which a region has an independent legislature and executive. The index takes value from 0 to 18

· Degree of shared-rule of the autonomy

It is based on the Regional Authority Index project that aims at measuring the powers of all the regions in 81 countries. Here the index "tier_sharedrule" (2010) is used. It summarizes five dimensions of shared-rule: participation of a region in national law-making; intergovernmental meetings; the distribution of national tax revenues; borrowing; and constitutional change. The index takes value from 0 to 12

· The presence of the "kin-state"

"Kin-state" is a state whose main population shares the ethnic characteristics of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy

· Linguistic preferences

It indicates how the language of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy is learned in secondary schools in the autonomy

· Ethnic conflicts

It indicates whether the serious conflicts between the autonomy and the central government as well as between ethnic groups within the authority take place in 2001-2015. The level of conflict is determined on the basis of the annual reports of Conflict Barometer

  • One of the nine ethnic regions of the country. It was established in 1994 after the overthrow of the military regime of the Derg and the coming to power of the EPRDF (The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front). It is located in the sout...

    Where is the autonomy situated:
    Africa | Ethiopia

    Population: 14929548,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1994
    Autonomy area: 112343,0 km²
  • One of the 19 states of India established on the basis of ethnicity. In Tamil Nada, about 6% of the country's population lives (it is the 7th largest in India). Economically, it is one of India's wealthiest states: GRP per capita is twice the n...

    Where is the autonomy situated:
    Asia | India

    Population: 62405700,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1947
    Autonomy area: 130058,0 km²
  • One of the 36 states of Nigeria. After gaining independence in 1960, three regions were established in the country, each of which was dominated by one of the three main ethnic groups - Yoruba (West), Igbo (East), Hausa / Fulani (North). This configurat...

    Where is the autonomy situated:
    Africa | Nigeria

    Population: 2295000,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1991
    Autonomy area: 59180,0 km²
  • One of the 22 republics of the Russian Federation. It is located in the east of the East European Plain, at the confluence of the two largest rivers (the Volga and Kama rivers). One of the most economically developed regions of Russia (sixth place in t...

    Where is the autonomy situated:

    Population: 3786488,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1992
    Autonomy area: 68000,0 km²
  • The former subject of the Russian Federation, one of the 6 districts, liquidated as a result of the enlargement of the regions in 2003-2008. Formerly part of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, but was an independent subordinate entity of the Russian Federation. It ...

    Where is the autonomy situated:

    Population: 39786,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1992
    Autonomy area: 862100,0 km²
  • One of the five autonomous regions of China, Tibet is located in the Tibetan Plateau. It has a long history of its statehood. Tibet was forcibly incorporated into the PRC and was divided into five regions, one of which in 1965 received the status of th...

    Where is the autonomy situated:
    Asia | China

    Population: 2616329,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1965
    Autonomy area: 1178577,0 km²
  • One of the nine ethnic regions of the country. It was established in 1994 after the overthrow of the military regime of the Derg and the coming to power of the EPRDF (The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front).The northernmost region of...

    Where is the autonomy situated:
    Africa | Ethiopia

    Population: 4314456,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1994
    Autonomy area: 50079,0 km²
  • One of the 29 states of India, Tripura is located in the north-east of the country. In the colonial period, in the territories of Tripuri tribes that spoke the Kokborok language there was a native kingdom, dependency of the British Empire. Because of t...

    Where is the autonomy situated:
    Asia | India

    Population: 3199200,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1971
    Autonomy area: 10486,0 km²
  • One of the 22 republics of the Russian Federation. It is located in South Siberia, in the geographic center of Asia. The longest south-eastern and southern border of the Republic of Tuva with Mongolia is the state border of the Russian Federation. In 1...

    Where is the autonomy situated:

    Population: 307930,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1992
    Autonomy area: 170500,0 km²
  • One of the 22 republics of the Russian Federation. It is located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the interfluve of the Kama river and its right tributary of Vyatka. Udmurtia has a powerful military-industrial complex. The leading branch of ...

    Where is the autonomy situated:

    Population: 1521420,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1992
    Autonomy area: 42100,0 km²
  • The former subject of the Russian Federation, one of the 6 districts, liquidated as a result of the enlargement of the regions in 2003-2008. It was located in the northeastern part of Russia on the territory of the Irkutsk Oblast. It had no borders wit...

    Where is the autonomy situated:

    Population: 135327,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1992
    Autonomy area: 22400,0 km²
  • Historical area and region of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Occupies the peninsula of Wales and the adjacent Anglesey island. The capital is Cardiff. The area of ​​Wales is 8% of the United Kingdom, and 5% of the UK's ci...

    Where is the autonomy situated:
    Europe | United Kingdom

    Population: 3063456,0 people
    Year of the creation of the autonomy: 1998
    Autonomy area: 21225,0 km²
« 1 2 ... 9 10 11 12 »
Autonomy population
Артикул: Все · 1920s (1) · 1940s (20) · 1950s (8) · 1960s (10) · 1970s (19) · 1980s (14) · 1990s (61) · 2000s (6)
Вес: Все · 2.0 (1) · 2.5 (1) · 3.0 (2) · 4.0 (8) · 5.0 (1) · 6.0 (6) · 6.5 (1) · 7.0 (2) · 8.0 (6) · 9.0 (2) · 10.0 (3) · 99.0 (106)
Доля автономии в экономике страны: Все · . . 0-0,5% (36) · . 0,5-1,0% (16) · . 1,0-3,0% (26) · . 3,0-6,0% (14) · . 6,0-10,0% (7) · 10,0-20,0% (5) · more than 20,0% (7)
Уровень экономического развития автономии: Все · . 0-50% (25) · . 50-70% (16) · . 70-80% (13) · . 80-100% (20) · 100-140% (21) · more than 140% (13)
Доля титульной этнической группы в населении автономии: Все · 0-10% (5) · 10-25% (9) · 25-40% (20) · 40-60% (24) · 60-70% (16) · 70-80% (12) · 80-90% (14) · more than 90% (23)
Этническая специфика: Все · Language (56) · Language and religion (77) · Religion (6)
Разнородность этнического состава: Все · No (86) · Yes (53)
Степень самостоятельности автономии: Все · 06 (3) · 09 (1) · 10 (1) · 11 (5) · 12 (2) · 14 (6) · 15 (9) · 16 (1) · 17 (3) · 18 (2)
Наличие "Родственного государства": Все · No (124) · Yes (15)
Языковые преференции: Все · Compulsory (59) · No (9) · Optional (66)
Этнические конфликты: Все · No (80) · Yes (59)
The project is supported by the
Russian Science Foundation
Perm State University
Russia, 614990, Perm,
Bukireva street, 15
Perm Scientific Centre
Russia, 614990, Perm,
Lenina street, 13a
Expert network for the
identity research
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Description of parameters of autonomies Autonomy population

thousands of people; the latest census

Level of economic development of the country

GDP per capita in 2015 in current price in $

Political regime in the country

It is based on the Freedom House Index, 2015. All countries of the world are located on a scale from 1 (most free) to 7 (least free). Countries whose ratings fall between 1.0 and 2.5 are “Free”, between 3.0 and 5.0 are "Partly Free," and those between 5.5 and 7.0 are "Not Free."

Share of the autonomy in the economy of the country

GRP of the autonomy divided to GDP of the country (%)

Level of economic development of the autonomy

relative to the country (%): GRP per capita of the autonomy divided to GDP per capita of the country

Share of the dominant in the country ethnic group in the population of the autonomy

in %: population size of the dominant in the country ethnic group divided to overal population size of the autonomy (the latest census; expert estimations)

Share of the titular ethnic group in the population of the autonomy

in %: population size of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy divided to overal population size of the autonomy (the latest census; expert estimations)

Ethnic peculiarity

It indicates a key characteristic of autonomy's ethnic identity - language or religion or both

Diversity of ethnic composition

The presence of other (in addition to the titular group in the autonomy and the dominant group in the country) significant ethnic groups in the population of the autonomy

Degree of self-rule of the autonomy

It is based on the Regional Authority Index project that aims at measuring the powers of all the regions in 81 countries. Here the index "tier_selfrule" (2010) is used. It summarizes five dimensions of self-rule: institutional depth; policy scope; fiscal autonomy; borrowing autonomy; and the extent to which a region has an independent legislature and executive. The index takes value from 0 to 18

Degree of shared-rule of the autonomy

It is based on the Regional Authority Index project that aims at measuring the powers of all the regions in 81 countries. Here the index "tier_sharedrule" (2010) is used. It summarizes five dimensions of shared-rule: participation of a region in national law-making; intergovernmental meetings; the distribution of national tax revenues; borrowing; and constitutional change. The index takes value from 0 to 12

The presence of the "kin-state"

"Kin-state" is a state whose main population shares the ethnic characteristics of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy

Linguistic preferences

It indicates how the language of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy is learned in secondary schools in the autonomy

Ethnic conflicts

It indicates whether the serious conflicts between the autonomy and the central government as well as between ethnic groups within the authority take place in 2001-2015. The level of conflict is determined on the basis of the annual reports of Conflict Barometer

Description of parameters of autonomies