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Главная » 2015 » Декабрь » 16 » Университет Ланкастера приглашает принять участие в конференции GLOBAL FANTASTIKA (4-5 июля 2016 г.)
Университет Ланкастера приглашает принять участие в конференции GLOBAL FANTASTIKA (4-5 июля 2016 г.)

CALL FOR PAPERS - Lancaster University, UK


“Fantastika”, coined by John Clute, is an umbrella term which incorporates the genres of fantasy, science fiction, and horror, but can also include alternative histories, steampunk, young adult fiction, or any other imaginative space. 


The 3rd annual Fantastika conference will focus on productions of Fantastika globally, as well as considering themes of contact across nations and borders within Fantastika. It is our hope to draw together academics with an interest in Fantastika from an international audience to share and disseminate Fantastika-related research globally.

We are pleased to announce David Punter, Mark Bould, Sarah Ilott, and Chloé Buckley as our keynote speakers. Professor David Punter’s numerous publications include “'Pity the Poor Immigrant': Pity and the Colony” in Postcolonial Theory in the Global Age. Dr. Mark Bould is the editor of Africa SF(Paradoxa 25) which includes his article “From anti-colonial struggle to neoliberal immiseration: Mohammed Dib’s Who Remembers the Sea, Sony Labou Tansi’s Life and a Half and Ahmed Khaled Towfik’s Utopia.” Dr. Sarah Ilott and Chloé Alexandra Germaine Buckley are the co-authors of "'Fragmenting and becoming double': Supplementary twins and abject bodies in Helen Oyeyemi’s The Icarus Girl” and are co-editing an upcoming edited collection on Oyeyemi.

We welcome abstracts for 20 minute papers on fantastika as they occur in any medium and form. Some suggested topics are:
- the production and development of Fantastika in non-Western or non-English-speaking countries
- Fantastika genres predominant in non-Western/non-English cultures (e.g. magical realism, contemporary mythologies)
- fictional and real empires
- globalization, industrialization, development and the future
- global networks, mobilities, migrations
- borders, defence of borders, crossing borders and occupations
- (post)colonial texts and readings
- notions of the ‘other’
- ecologies, technologies and biopolitics


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«  Декабрь 2015  »
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