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Главная » 2018 » Сентябрь » 24 » Третий Конгресс DiscourseNet DNC3 – ALED, 11-14 сентября 2019 года, Париж
Третий Конгресс DiscourseNet DNC3 – ALED, 11-14 сентября 2019 года, Париж

Third DiscourseNet ALED Congress DNC3-ALED: Knowledge and power in a polycentric world. Discourses across languages, cultures and space





End of call for paper cfp



You can register and find all information on the DNC3-ALED conference homepage

The legitimacy of "Europe" and "the West" as identifiable territorial and imagined entities is in crisis.
The awareness has grown of a world becoming more polycentric. At the same time, the field of
Discourse Studies is growing at a dazzling rate across the globe. Discourse Studies is known for
theoretical orientations and methodological tools that account for meaning production as a social
practice mobilizing languages, media and technologies. It is thus uniquely placed to observe and
analyse the shifting conceptions of a post-colonial, post-Eurocentric, post-west-and-the-rest world.
The different understandings of the intersection of language and society, in the range of specific
schools, theories and approaches within Discourse Studies promise to inspire conflicting analyses of
the world today.

The focus of Discourse Studies also varies according to the specific national or regional contexts in
which issues of power and language, subjectivity and inequality, language and context are being
problematized. For instance, Anglophone, French-, German-, Spanish-, Portuguese-, and Russian-speaking
communities of discourse analysts and theorists are marked by dynamic debates, terminologies and approaches that are not always well known outside each language community.

The third DiscourseNet Congress, which is co-organized with ALED, aims to be a site of dialogue and
reflection across and about different linguistic and national traditions in Discourse Studies.
DiscourseNet (https://www.discourseanalysis.net) is an interdisciplinary network of discourse
researchers who have organized more than 25 events in Europe over the past ten years. The
Asociación LatinoAmericana de Estudios del Discurso (www.comunidadaled.org) was formed in
1995 to promote the development of Discourse Studies in Latin America. ALED has organised 12
International Congresses and about 11 national events for each country member. A joint initiative of
DiscourseNet and ALED, DNC3 - ALED invites specific approaches to shifting conceptions of, for
instance, “Europe”, “the global South”, “the West”... Within the overarching frame of our
contemporary entangled world, we invite discourse analysts from around the world to take stock of
contemporary developments in Discourse Studies.

● is open to discourse researchers from all disciplines,
● welcomes presentations in the many languages in which discourse research is being done
● aims to create and develop non-hierarchical and open spaces for dialogue and exchange.

We welcome papers which re-examine existing discourse theoretical frameworks, articulate new
approaches from different fields and schools, study social phenomena empirically and reflect on the
critical potential of Discourse Studies. We also invite contributions that deal with theoretical and/or
methodological challenges in Discourse Studies, preferably with a focus on the nexus of knowledge
and power.

Researchers may focus on a wide variety of topics. We encourage contributions that seek to develop
novel approaches to, for instance: subjectivity in contemporary society, discursive epistemology,
indexicality, ideology, knowledge and hegemony, governmentality in the knowledge economy,
protest and activism, materiality of/and discourse, critique and reflexivity, bi-, multi- and translingual
communication, language policy, discourse and gender, class, migration, racism, populism, (neo-
)fascism, discrimination, argumentation and rhetorics, social cognition, institutional discourse,
workplace communication, practices and identities in the workplace, multimodal interaction and
discourse analysis, online media formats and digital culture, materialism and discourse, digital
humanities, cross-cultural interaction, multimodality, corpus and computer-aided analysis,
conversation and interaction...

At DNC3 - ALED includes three formats:
1) Individual paper presentations (20 minutes presentation plus 10 minutes discussion)
2) Panel sessions (usually 60 - 90 minutes on one theme). We also welcome suggestions for
roundtables, workshops or more unconventional panel presentations. Please specify the
form in your abstract.
3) An ad-hoc “unconference” will be organized on one afternoon. The sessions are not planned
in advance. Instead, all participants will have the opportunity to put sessions on the agenda
during the congress itself. Participants may suggest topics, methods, theories, questions,
problems, etc. No preparation necessary. For more information about the unconference
format, see: http://unconference.net/unconferencing-how-to-prepare-to-attend-anunconference.

Keynote speakers

DNC3 - ALED will be opened by Johannes Angermuller and Dominique Maingueneau. The speakers
will reflect a range of backgrounds and include
● Caterina Carta, Canada (in English)
● Patrick Charaudeau, France (in French)
● Laura Pardo, Argentina (in Spanish)
● Viviane Resende de Melo, Brazil (in Portuguese)


● Submission of panel proposals (with all participants, titles and abstracts) as soon as possible
but no later than September 30, 2018 (20:00 CET). For more information see http://www.dnc3aled.discourseanalysis.net.
● Submission of individual abstracts for individual papers and joint session papers: September
30, 2018 (20:00 CET) via the congress page of the congress:
● Notifications of acceptance for individual papers will be sent on December 15, 2018
● Preliminary version of conference contribution will be expected on July 31, 2019. These
versions will be posted on the webpage.


Early bird registration fee until May 31, 2019: 80€ (reduced fee for unfunded researchers and
students: 30€). If you wish to participate in the social program, add 30€.
After May 31, 2019 the fee for the congress will cost 100€ (reduced fee for unfunded researchers
and students: 40€). If you wish to participate in the social programme, please add 30€.
Please note that there is a limited number of places for participants who do not present an
individual paper or participate in a panel. These are distributed on a first come, first served basis.
Although no abstracts are required for the ad hoc unconference, all attendants (paper presentations,
panels, unconference, non-presenters) are required to register as a participant.
Please transfer the registration fee to the following bank account from Euro bank accounts. Please
note that we don’t accept fees if there are bank charges.

For euro-based transfers, please use the following bank account:
Gradnet e.V.
IBAN: DE80 1203 0000 1001 1963 18
For other currencies, you may also wire the registration fee via Paypal (dnc3aled@gmail.com).
The conference dinner is included in the registration fee and will take the form of a buffet on the
12th of September at 19:00.

Instructions for abstracts and preliminary versions

Abstracts of no more than 250 words should be submitted through the conference registration tool
by September 30th 2018 via www.dnc3aled.discourseanalysis.net.
Please indicate (i) your preferred format (presentation/panel session) and (ii) your preferred
language(s) for the presentation. We encourage the submission of thematic panels (with paper
presentations in one language).
Abstracts for presentations and panels can be submitted in English, French, German, Spanish,
Portuguese, Russian or any other languages. For any language to be represented at the congress, we
need a minimum of 10 accepted presentations in that language. If less than ten presentations in any
one language are accepted, these papers may be presented in English or French.
For the ad hoc “unconference” no abstracts need to be submitted: simply register as a participant
and turn up at the session with an idea, question, topic, method, concept, project, etc. Contributors
will need to respond to the needs of speakers of other languages.
We invite all presenters to embrace the complexity and vibrancy of a multilingual conference. That’s
why we ask all participants to provide their paper or an extended version of their abstract (3 pages
minimum) by 31 July 2019.

Papers can be submitted to the peer-reviewed open access Palgrave Communications (published by
Palgrave Macmillan) journal article collection ‘Discourse studies: theories and methodologies at the
crossroads of language and society’ (see https://www.nature.com/palcomms/for-authors/call-forpapers#
discourse for information on the submission process; published papers can be found here:
https://www.nature.com/collections/gxplbgvcbv), as well as to the DiscourseNet Working Paper
Series (see http://dncwps.discourseanalysis.net).

The participants of DNC3-ALED will be invited to participate to a discussion on a future associational

For more information, please contact us via dnc3aled@gmail.com


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