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Главная » 2014 » Март » 27 » Sixth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine “Embracing the City”, Lviv (Ukraine), 1-8 July 2014
Sixth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine “Embracing the City”, Lviv (Ukraine), 1-8 July 2014

Sixth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine "Embracing the City”, Lviv (Ukraine), 1-8 July 2014

The Summer School seeks to embrace the city as a focal point for examining questions of belonging, place, power and the intersection of society and state in urban space. What makes a city? What are the boundaries of the city--and within the city? Who are the stakeholders in building, transforming, managing, and narrating the city? How do urban changes shape and represent changes in society at large? How is the identity of city in the age of branding and rebranding shaped and challenged? How does the city shape urban mobilization and what is the connection between urban space and political change?

How do people transform the built environment around them, and how are people, in turn, influenced by buildings, places, and urban space?

The Sixth International Social Science Summer School in Ukraine welcomes proposals that embrace the city from many disciplines in the social sciences and adjacent fields, such as history, sociology, anthropology, political science, economics, architecture, and urban studies. Our regional focus is the former Soviet Union, Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe. While the primary focus will be on the 20th and 21st centuries, 19th century proposals are welcome.

Format: workshop and fieldwork

The Summer School is interdisciplinary and follows a workshop format. Each participant will present a pre-circulated paper and receive comments from a group of international faculty, as well as from other participants. Participants are expected to contribute actively to discussions and to participate in the extracurricular program. Throughout the week we will include several roundtables, field visits, local interviews and excursions within the region.


Lviv (Ukraine).


One week, Tuesday 1 July – Tuesday 8 July 2014.


The Summer School is open to PhD students (or students enrolled in a kandidat nauk program) and young researchers (up to six years removed from their PhD or kandidat nauk degree). Proposals strong on theory and empirical research are particularly welcomed. The working language of the Summer School is English. Participants must be comfortable working in English.

Program Costs

There is no program fee. The organizers will cover accommodation, meals, workshops and all excursions. The participants (or their institutions) must pay travel expenses to Lviv.


How to apply?

To be considered for the Summer School, candidates must complete an application form (that includes a 500 word project proposal) and add a CV. They can also send an additional written sample, such as a conference paper, a dissertation chapter, or a publication (optional). The application must be sent by e-mail to ukrainesummerschool@gmail.com by 15 April 2014

The application form can be requested at ukrainesummerschool@gmail.com or downloaded on the following address: http://www.ukrainianstudies.uottawa.ca/summer_school_2014.html

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