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Главная » 2013 » Февраль » 21 » «Positioning Cities: Innovative and Sustainable Strategies for City Development and Transformation» (Beijing, October 23-25, 2013)
«Positioning Cities: Innovative and Sustainable Strategies for City Development and Transformation» (Beijing, October 23-25, 2013)

Conference Call for the 2nd City Branding Symposium to be held at Tsinghua University, Beijing, October 23-25, 2013. The conference theme is «Positioning Cities: Innovative and Sustainable Strategies for City Development and Transformation».
We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd City Branding Symposium is going to take place at Tsinghua Unversity, Beijing on October 23-25, 2013.
The theme is «Positioning Cities: Innovative and Sustainable Strategies for City Development and Transformation». Following the success of the 1st Symposium held in Stockholm in August 2012, the aim of the 2nd Symposium is to continue the academic conversation on the strategic positioning and development of cities.
The symposium is hosted by Tsinghua University, School of Journalism and Communication and City Branding Studio, and sponsored by the School of Business and the Forum for Asian Studies at Stockholm University, Peking University, the National Academy of Economic Strategy at CASS as well as the School of Management and the Nordic Centre at Fudan University.

The scope of the symposium covers the following six themes:
- Strategic communications: Strategy and planning
- Sensory positioning: Atmospheres and attractiveness
- Identity and heritage in relation to positioning
- Innovative social branding and inclusiveness
- Branding and innovative urban planning
- Governance and city branding

If you are interested in attending the symposium please send an abstract before April 1st tocbs@tsinghua.edu.cn. All symposium participants are expected to submit a paper related to one of the areas mentioned above, according to the dates below. Further information and guidelines will be provided upon the acceptance of your abstract. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
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«  Февраль 2013  »
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