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Главная » 2013 » Сентябрь » 16 » Memories, Identities & Communities, 24-25 April 2014,Apex Hotel, Dundee, Scotland
Memories, Identities & Communities, 24-25 April 2014,Apex Hotel, Dundee, Scotland
Conference The Centre for Archive and Information Studies (CAIS) at the University of Dundee invites proposals for the fourth inter-disciplinary conference in the -Investigating the Archive: 
Memories, Identities & Communities

24-25 April 2014

Apex Hotel, Dundee, Scotland

Welcome proposals which explore the issues raised by the above quotation and, in particular, which relate to the sub-themes below:
- Archives, identities and societal / community memories
- History, culture and interpretation
- Shared creation, curation and ownership of information and archives
- Fragmentation of the archival record and dilution of professional values
- The impact of new ways of communicating and the digital world
- Challenges of reaching new audiences and communities

Proposals for individual 20 minute presentations or panel sessions of up to three speakers will be considered and should be submitted by Friday 18 October 2013 to Patricia Whatley, Director, Centre for Archive and Information Studies at p.e.whatley@dundee.ac.uk.

All submissions must contain:
a) Title of submission
b) Conference sub-theme
c) Name of speaker(s)
d) Affiliation of speaker(s) [as it will appear on delegate badge]
e) Address(es) of speakers(s)
f) E-mail address(es) of speaker(s)
g) Abstract (250-350 words)
h) Short biography containing employment, research interests, publications
i) Audio-visual equipment required

- All abstracts should be submitted in English, checked for correct grammar and spelling and e-mailed in Microsoft Word format.
- All submissions will be reviewed by the Conference Committee and those which are accepted will be notified within four weeks of the submission deadline.

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«  Сентябрь 2013  »
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