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Главная » 2011 » Февраль » 9 » Media@LSE PhD Symposium ‘Media and Identity’, June 10th, 2011, London
Media@LSE PhD Symposium ‘Media and Identity’, June 10th, 2011, London
Media@LSE PhD Symposium, 2011

‘Media and Identity’

Friday June 10th, 2011, 09h30 ­ 17h30
London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE

   The aim of this PhD Symposium is to investigate the multiple ways in which information and communication technologies are transforming the construction of personal and collective identity. Encompassing print, electronic and digital media, it examines how technologies participate in the reflexive construction of the individual self as well as in the construction of boundaries of group inclusion and exclusion.
   Conceptualizing identity as a process of political struggle that may have both emancipatory effects, enabling individuals or groups to manifest themselves, and repressive effects, excluding minorities from dominant definitions of the self, the Symposium treats the relationship between changing technologies and changing processes of identity formation as a central object of trans-disciplinary social research.
   This Call for Papers invites abstracts from PhD students who critically reflect upon and problematize the relationship between media and identity in any discipline of the social sciences so as to explore, deconstruct and re-conceptualize the concept of identity in the context of a media-saturated world.

   The Symposium welcomes, but is not necessarily limited to, abstracts in the following areas of enquiry:

  • Cosmopolitanism, Identity and Recognition
  • National identity
  • Culture and Multiculturalism
  • Identity Change
  • Shared identities
  • Post identity
  • Social identity
  • Representation of self
  • Religious identity
  • Gender and Sexual Identity


   Please submit a 300-word paper title and abstract by February 15th 2011 at: media.symposium@lse.ac.uk.. On a separate sheet, please include your name, paper title, institutional affiliation and contact details as well as PhD project title. Successful submissions will be announced by 20th March 2011.
   Subject to availability, research students wishing to attend the workshop without presenting are welcome; please indicate your interest by e-mailing the same address with details of your institutional affiliation, PhD project title.

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