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Главная » 2016 » Март » 22 » International Conference on the State of Civic Education in Post-Soviet Countries: from Formal to Informal Practices,20-21.05 Tbilisi
International Conference on the State of Civic Education in Post-Soviet Countries: from Formal to Informal Practices,20-21.05 Tbilisi

The Civic Education Lecturers Association (CELA) invites the submission of abstracts for the Second International Conference on the State of Civic Education in Post-Soviet Countries: from Formal to Informal Practices to be held on May 20-21 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Submission Deadline:              April 15, 2016

Open to:                                   Educators, Researchers, Advanced Doctoral Students; Preferences will be                                                      given to submissions from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Conference Date:                   May 20-21, 2016

The main goal of the conference is to invite educators, researchers, policy-makers, practitioners, and other interested individuals to explore theoretical frameworks related to civic education, educational policies, conceptualization of the notion of citizenship and civic values in the context of regime transformation and democratic development after the break-up of the Soviet Union. Those who are interested in participating are encouraged to submit their abstracts by April 15, 2016.

Authors of select abstracts will be invited to CELA’s international conference in Tbilisi for presentations and panel discussions on the following themes:

  • Civic culture, consciousness, identity; their transformation and trajectories;
  • Civic education methods and civic curricula (knowledge, skills, values, etc.);
  • Civic education: policy-making and policy implementation;
  • Ways of civic engagement: from voting to community work; 
  • Minorities: integration or segmentation;
  • Shifting from ethnic to civic nationalism;
  • Global citizenship and the role of technology;
  • Other related topics will be considered.

In order to be considered, please submit your CV and abstract (250 – 300 words) in MS Word (.doc) format by April 152016 to the following email: info@cela.geThe e-mail subject line should read: “2016 CELA Conference.” Submissions may be in the following languages: Russian, English, and Georgian.

CELA’s review committee will review all submissions and notify authors with final decisions by April 25, 2016.

Selected papers will be published as conference proceedings. Working languages will be English, Russian and GeorgianThere is no participation fee, and the conference participants will be provided with meals on conference days. However, participants are responsible for making their own travel and accommodation arrangements. For more information, please contact CELA at info@cela.geor visit us at www.cela.geandwww.facebook.com/celageo.

This project is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the framework of the Strengthening Electoral Processes in Georgia project, implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES).

The Civic Education Lecturers Association (CELA) is a professional association that unites university-level civic educators from the majority of accredited tertiary academic institutions across Georgia under the common goal of establishing and strengthening Georgian institutions of higher learning as hubs for civic innovation, scholarship, and action.


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