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Главная » 2013 » Сентябрь » 16 » Intercultural communication between China and the rest of the world: Beyond (reverse) essentialism and culturalism? 05.06.14-06.06.14
Intercultural communication between China and the rest of the world: Beyond (reverse) essentialism and culturalism? 05.06.14-06.06.14

Conference Intercultural communication between China and the rest of the world: Beyond (reverse) essentialism and culturalism? 


University of Helsinki, Finland 

Deadline for abstract submissions: 15th January 2014

Plenary speakers
Anne Cheng, Professor, Intellectual History of China, Collège de France in Paris
Adrian Holliday, Professor of Applied Linguistics at Canterbury Christ Church University (UK)
Prue Holmes, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Durham (UK)

This interdisciplinary conference aims at analysing but also counter-attacking essentialist and culturalist analyses of intercultural communication between China and the rest of the world. Papers on any of the following topics may be submitted. The approach can be diachronic or synchronic and deal with any context of intercultural communication involving the Chinese (study abroad, online interaction, tourism, business, diplomacy, the media, etc.). Researchers in the fields of (amongst others) sinology, education and pedagogy, communication, sociology, linguistics, (social) psychology, cultural studies but also economics and management are invited to submit a proposal:

- Orientalism, Occidentalism and their reverse forms (imaginaries, stereotypes)

- Intercultural training/education

- Othering the Chinese; The Chinese othering -others'

- The use of culture as an alibi

- Explaining misunderstandings beyond culture as an excuse

- Analyzing -successful' intercultural communication

- Beyond differentialist biases

- China's intercultural communication beyond the -West' (Africa, Asia, etc.)

- The use, misuse and abuse of Confucius to explain interculturality

- Non-verbality: alternative means of analysis

- Mélanges and mixing in Chinese -culture'

- Power relations and intercultural communication

- Identity -games'

- Responsibility of researchers, practitioners in othering the Chinese
Full CFP: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/iccrw2014/esimerkkisivu/

Organized by the The Education for Diversities Research Group (E4D, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, Finland) and The Confucius Institute (University of Helsinki)

Conference Chairs:

Professor Fred Dervin (Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki) &

Dr Anja Lahtinen (Director of the Confucius Institute)


Click link for more information 

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