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Главная » 2013 » Апрель » 6 » Heritage and Change in the Arctic, University of Greenland 11th- 14th October 2013
Heritage and Change in the Arctic, University of Greenland 11th- 14th October 2013

Heritage and Change in the Arctic
Call for Papers

An interdisciplinary conference of the humanities and social sciences
University of Greenland
11th- 14th October 2013

Making a new and unique contribution to Arctic research and policy by bringing together scholars from northern Canada, Greenland and the Nordic countries, from the social and human sciences, this two-day conference relates the historical origins of key socio-environmental challenges facing Arctic communities to both contemporary responses and potential future alternatives. A key focus will be the political, economic, and cultural investments of Arctic states and Arctic peoples in ecological and cultural sustainability.This is a rare opportunity to discuss northern issues as they cross the Arctic Atlantic, and in aplace that embodies such key questions as historical climate change and emergent sovereignty.
Subthemes will include (but are not limited to):
 Natural resources and sustainable development
 National identities and centre-periphery relations
 Indigenous identity and heritage landscapes
 Youth, tradition, and community responses to change
We welcome proposals for presentations on any relevant topic. Please send proposals including a 200-word abstract and a brief statement of the author’s academic affiliation by email to: contact-circla@cgs.aau.dk by 1 May 2013.
The organizers have been able to obtain significant funding for the conference, which means the basic conference fee (covering lunches, coffee, etc.) will be only 400 DKK / CAD 80. Travel information will follow.

Please note: due to limited capacity the number of participants will be limited to 50.
For more information please consult the CIRCLA website: www.arctic.aau.dk  
Heritage and Change in the Arctic is co-organized by:
Ilisimatusarfik/University of GreenlandCentre for Innovation and Research in Culture and Learning in the Arctic,
Aalborg UniversityNetwork in Canadian History & Environment Nordic Association for Canadian StudiesL’Association Nordique d’Études Canadiennes
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