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Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 26 » Ethnicity, Culture, Politics: Mutual Dependencies (The Institute of Area Studies at Jagiellonian University, 18-19 April 2013. Cracow)
Ethnicity, Culture, Politics: Mutual Dependencies (The Institute of Area Studies at Jagiellonian University, 18-19 April 2013. Cracow)
Call for Papers – initial announcement

The Institute of Area Studies at Jagiellonian University in Cracow is pleased to announce an international conference on:

Ethnicity, Culture, Politics: Mutual Dependencies

The conference will be held on 18-19 April 2013 in Cracow. We are most honoured to announce that the conference is being organized under the auspices of the Polish Association of Political Science (PTNP) and the Polish Association For The Club of Rome (PTWzKR). The conference Ethnicity, Culture, Politics: Mutual Dependencies will be the first international event organized by the recently established Chair of Ethnocultural Politics in the Institute of Area Studies at Jagiellonian University.

The proposed title expresses the organizers’ intention to analyze the interdependencies between these three areas: ethnicity, culture and politics. The different challenges resulting from these interdependencies are becoming increasingly significant factors in modern life both at the local and global level. Studying the interconnections between ethnicity, culture, and politics should be considered a crucial endeavour both at the academic and practical level. Additionally, the multidimensional character and the intricate links made across different disciplines in the course of investigating these issues, make the conference a common ground for all participants across a wide range of academic backgrounds and activities.

We believe that our conference will generate interest mainly among cultural studies experts, ethnologists, sociologists, and political science scholars. We also welcome researchers from other disciplines: economists, philosophers, historians, lawyers, international relations and management scholars. We hope that the conference will provide an opportunity for unfettered discussion exploring many aspects of these important problems. Case studies, comparative studies and more general reflections may be submitted, as well as normative projects and scenarios of collective actions. We assume that particular contributions to the conference will offer useful guidance to policy makers in a widely-defined public sphere.

In keeping with the conference’s theme, individual paper proposals may wish to address the following issues:
- The political mobilization of native and immigrant ethnocultural communities
- Language and politics: mutual relationships
- The ethnocultural division of labour and its political consequences
- Relations between ethnicity, culture and politics in literature and music
- Relations between ethnicity, culture and politics in cinema and in the theatre
- Relations between ethnicity, culture and politics in the press and media
- The ethnocultural politics of modern states and social construction of their image

Themed sessions (in Polish and English) will be arranged on the basis of papers submitted and themes proposed. Papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in an edited book. More details and information on this will be made available later.
After plenary and panel discussions all the participants will be invited for the screening of a Polish documentary film corresponding with subject areas of the conference.

Abstracts (maximum of 250 words), along with full contact information (title, name, affiliation, email) should be submitted by February 21, 2013 to the e-mail address of dr. Karolina Golemo (see below).

Information which papers have been accepted, the structure of panels and the detailed Conference program will be announced by March 16, 2013.
The conference fee (400 PLN or 100 euro) covers conference pack, including refreshments, lunch on both days and one conference dinner, and the publication of selected articles. Accommodation and travelling costs are not included.

The Organizing Committee:
Professor Wawrzyniec Konarski, Conference Chair
Dr. Karolina Golemo, Secretary of the Organizing Committee (karolina.golemo@uj.edu.pl)
Dr. Małgorzata Kołaczek
Dr. Franciszek Czech

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