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Главная » 2019 » Июнь » 22 » ECPR’s 48th Joint Sessions, Toulouse, 14 – 17 April 2020
ECPR’s 48th Joint Sessions, Toulouse, 14 – 17 April 2020

48th Joint Sessions, Toulouse

14 – 17 April 2020

2020 is the ECPR’s 50th Anniversary. As we approach this milestone in our history, we are delighted to announce that the 48th ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops will be held at the Manufacture des Tabacs, coordinated in partnership with Sciences Po Toulouse. Saved from demolition by the City of Toulouse, the Manufacture des Tabacs, or Old Tobacco Factory, became part of the University of Social Sciences (Toulouse 1 Capitole) in 1996.

Sciences Po Toulouse is an autonomous institution within one of Europe’s oldest universities: The University of Toulouse, which was founded in 1229. Since its formation in 1948, Sciences Po Toulouse has grown in size and prestige, and now welcomes more than 1,700 students each year, selected through a national entrance examination.

Toulouse, la Ville Rose, is France’s fourth largest city, offering a rich combination of history, culture and leisure. The city boasts a wealth of UNESCO-protected treasures, including Le Capitole, the Roman basilica of Saint-Sernin, and Saint Étienne Cathedral. Toulouse is also the centre of the European aerospace industry, which you can explore through visits to Aeroscopia, a museum celebrating the history of aviation, and the unique space-themed science park, Cité de l’Éspace.

The ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops were established in 1973, and remain one of the major highlights of the world's political science calendar. Each year, the event attracts more than 400 scholars from across the globe ꟷ at all stages of their career. Consisting of around 30 Workshops, each with no more than 15 carefully selected participants, topics are precisely defined and discussed intensively for four full days. The result is a thorough and fruitful critique of research, which often results in the publication of acclaimed multi-authored books, and in the formation of new research groups.

We look forward to celebrating the golden year of the ECPR with you in Toulouse!

Subscribe to our 'Events' mailing list to keep up to date with the Joint Sessions of Workshops or to find out more, contact the Events Team / +44 (0)1206 630045.


Key dates and deadlines

Aug 2019

Paper proposals open

Dec 2019

Deadline for Paper proposals

Jan 2020

Registration opens

Jan 2020

Participation confirmations released

Jan 2020

Deadline for funding applications

Feb 2020

Registration closes

Mar 2020

Deadline to upload Papers to MyECPR portal


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«  Июнь 2019  »
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