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Главная » 2017 » Апрель » 13 » Conference «The Politics of Space and the Humanities» (Thessaloniki, 15-17 December 2017)
Conference «The Politics of Space and the Humanities» (Thessaloniki, 15-17 December 2017)

The Department of American Literature of the School of English at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in collaboration with the Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS), invite scholars to submit proposals for the international conference ―The Politics of Space and the Humanities‖ to be held in Thessaloniki.

The latest socio-cultural and political developments on both sides of the Atlantic have again placed space at the center of attention of current scholarship in the Humanities. The relation between places, people, and geographies as caused by immigration, migration and refugee flows, demographic changes, war tensions and conflicts, environmental disasters, urban expansion, and mapping technologies has always been dynamic. Nowadays, finding ourselves in the midst of change, we need to reconsider the politicized nature of space, its impact on individuals and the shaping of identity in a number of contexts within Anglophone literary and artistic production that open up the Humanities to numerous other disciplines and spatial interactions.

We invite individual abstracts and panel proposals from scholars, researchers and artists in an array of subjects (without being restricted to) in any of the proposed topics below:

  • Literary geographies
  • Imagined spaces
  • Performing space
  • Photographic, cinematic, visual and typographic representations of space
  • Geopolitics
  • Space and Globalization
  • Space and surveillance
  • Urban mappings and ethnicity
  • Architextural spaces
  • Media and environment
  • RPG games
  • Space-narrative-gaming

Abstracts and/or panel proposals should be submitted by May 1st, 2017.

Please include the following in your submission:

  • Name
  • Affiliation (if any)
  • Email address
  • Title of Abstract or Panel Proposal
  • Abstract (250 words)
  • Bio

Please address e-mails to: trapatz@enl.auth.gr (Dr. Tatiani Rapatzikou); detsi@enl.auth.gr (Dr. Zoe Detsi).

Contact Info: 
Dr. Tatiani Rapatzikou, Assistant Professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Contact Email: trapatz@enl.auth.gr

Fir more details please visit website.



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«  Апрель 2017  »
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