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Главная » 2016 » Апрель » 19 » Conference «Solidarity, Memory and Identity» (Gdańsk, 15-16 September 2016)
Conference «Solidarity, Memory and Identity» (Gdańsk, 15-16 September 2016)

What is the phenomenon of solidarity in the current world? What is the sense of talking about it with the increase of violence around the globe? What is its role in shaping identities – of cultures, nations, individuals? Is it born from memory or from oblivion? Questions such as these gave rise to the idea of our interdisciplinary conference. It is going to be devoted to solidarity in all its multiple aspects, in the broadest contexts possible – historical, cultural, artistic, psychological and philosophical. In the age of rapid socio-political changes, with deepening ethnic and religious conflicts on one hand, and, on the other hand, a diminishing feeling of identification with the community, there seems to exist a strong necessity for a reflection on the idea of solidarity. It would be difficult to think of a more inspiring place for such a reflection than the city of Gdańsk. It was here that in 1980 “Solidarity” was born: a social movement which, in less than a decade, brought about the fall of the communist regime in Poland and played an important part in the historic changes in Central Europe. Yet we do not want to make Polish “Solidarity” the dominating theme of the conference or privilege it in any way. On the contrary, we intend to present as fully as possible the broad spectrum of solidarity-related themes. Thus, we heartily invite academics from all sides of the world, representing various research fields: anthropology, sociology, philosophy, history, psychology, cultural studies, literary studies, film studies, theater studies, memory studies, postcolonial studies, gender studies et al.

We will be happy to hear from both experienced scholars and young academics at the start of their careers, as well as doctoral and graduate students. We also invite all persons interested in participating in the conference as listeners, without giving a presentation.

We are sure that we will have important reflections and fruitful discussions aboutSolidarity, Memory and Identity.

Our repertoire of suggested topics includes but is not restricted to:

I. The Contemporary World

- the rage and the pride: the world in the face of terrorism
- difficult coexistence: Islam, Judaism, Christianity
- post-communism: being European in Eastern Europe
- solidarity after September 11th
- solidarity and refugees
- solidarity and violence
- solidarity and multiculturalism
- solidarity and globalization
- solidarity and political correctness
- solidarity and nationalism
- solidarity and racism
- solidarity and propaganda

II. Memory and Oblivion

- the Holocaust: righteous among the nations
- genocide: the solidarity of the perpetrators, the solidarity of the victims
- post-war coexistences: between memory and vindictiveness
- memory and trauma: solidarity of the expelled
- postmemory: solidarity of late grandchildren / solidarity with the forebears / solidarity with the dead
- the terror of memory
- solidarity and amnesia

III. Forms of Identity

- cosmopolites and patriots
- local communities
- solidarity as a generational experience
- solidarity of women / solidarity of men
- solidarity between genders
- identity of the minorities (ethnic, religious, sexual)
- professional solidarity
- solidarity and individualism
- solidarity and identity crises

IV. Ideas

- homo solidaritus
- solidarity and postmodernity
- solidarity with the Other
- solidarity and tolerance
- solidarity and resentment
- solidarity and loneliness
- solidarity and betrayal
- solidarity and irony

V. Literature and Art

- novels/ films/ performances that shook the world
- literature, art, film, theatre as memory “media”
- solidarity as a literary motif
- solidarity and representation
- solidarity and fiction
- in the realm of spectacle: the solidarity of spectators and participants
- socially engaged art: artists in defense of human rights

VI. Everyday Life

- solidarity and the free market
- solidarity and the media
- support groups
- strikes, rallies, demonstrations
- equality parades
- silent marches
- solidarity and mourning
- solidarity in the animal world
- solidarity and environmentalism
- solidarity and lobbying
- solidarity of sports fans
- solidarity of the mediocre

Please submit abstracts (no longer than 300 words) of proposed 20-minute presentations, together with a short biographical note, until 15 June 2016 to: Prof. Wojciech Owczarski, University of Gdańsk, Poland: wowczarski1@tlen.pl andsolidaritymemory@tlen.pl

The confirmation of acceptance will be sent by 20 June 2016.

Contact Info:
Prof. Wojciech Owczarski
Contact Email:  wowczarski1@tlen.pl

Visit conference web-site


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