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Главная » 2017 » Апрель » 9 » Conference “Populism, Nationalism and Deglobalization» (Budapest, 31 August – 1 September 2017)
Conference “Populism, Nationalism and Deglobalization» (Budapest, 31 August – 1 September 2017)

Conference “Populism, Nationalism and Deglobalization» (Budapest, 31 August – 1 September 2017)

Organized by the Nationalism Studies Program at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

In the past decade, populist parties throughout the world have become major political players. New populist political parties emerged and, at the same time, different variations of nativism and nationalist populist rhetoric have become common among mainstream left- and right-wing parties.

The focus of the undergraduate summer conference “Populism, Nationalism and Deglobalization” will be nationalist populism – past and present. Special attention will be given to themes discussing the relationship between mass population movements, economic crises and nationalist politics.

The Nationalism Studies Program at Central European University invites proposals devoted to comparative perspectives on nationalism-related contemporary and historical case studies as well as papers on theoretical approaches that need not be grounded in any particular geographic region. Disciplines represented include political science, sociology, international relations, legal studies, history, anthropology, economics, philosophy, political geography, sociolinguistics, literature, and related fields.

Topics covered in the conference will include:

  • “Nationalisms and Crises,” on the impact of economic and social crises on nationalist politics and discourses;
  • “Populism and the Radical Right”, on the rise of nativist populist rhetoric in economic and political crises;
  • “Crises and Minorities,” on the securitization of ethnic and national minority issues;
  • “Migration and Globalization,” on the social and political challenges related to migration and the integration of immigrant communities in modern societies;
  • “The Mainstreaming of Radical Rhetoric,” on the radicalization of mainstream parties;
  • “Nation-building and Empire,” on the politics of nation-building under and after empires and supra-national political entities;
  • “Borders and Boundaries,” on nationalist challenges to the territorial and political order;
  • “History, Politics and Memory,” on the construction and contestation of the memory of historical events in particular sites, political discourses and historical research;
  • “Ethnicity and Violence,” on the construction of personal and group identity and its potential mobilization in violence perpetrated against culturally-defined groups;
  • “Long-distance Nationalism,” on diaspora nationalism and transborder nation-building;
  • “Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism,” on the normative disputes over the scope of solidarity and obligations.

A limited number of grants (covering travel expenses and free accommodation in the CEU dormitory) offered by the Nationalism Studies Program at CEU. Applicants for the travel grant should indicate the requested amount in the Fact Sheet.

Deadline for proposals: April 16 (to be sent to populismconference@ceu.edu)

Paper proposals must include five items:

  • contact information: the name, email, postal address and academic affiliation of the applicant.
  • 300- to 500-word abstract (shorter abstracts will not be considered) that includes the title of the paper.
  • 100-word biographical statement, in narrative form (a text with the length of one paragraph). Standard CVs will be rejected.
  • Fact Sheet.
  • writing sample in English (any essay or seminar paper written in English).

The language of the conference and the papers is English.

All proposals must be sent in a single email message, with an attached proposal in a Word document (PDFs will not be accepted) containing contact information, an abstract, a biographical statement and the Fact Sheet. The writing sample can be submitted as a separate file.

Proposals must be sent to populismconference@ceu.edu.

The receipt of all proposals will be promptly acknowledged electronically, with some delay during deadline week, due to the high volume of proposals. Only current undergraduate students will be considered.

Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the faculty of the Nationalism Studies Program. Applicants will be notified by May 10, 2017, at the latest.

Deadline for proposals: April 16 (to be sent to populismconference@ceu.edu)


Conference participants must register for the conference by Tuesday, May 24, 2017 by paying the conference fee (payment instructions will be announced soon). The conference fee is 75 EUR and includes:

  • three nights’ accommodation in single rooms in the CEU Residence Center (optional)
  • breakfast
  • coffee breaks
  • conference dinner
  • free Wi-Fi

The Conference Organizing Committee:
Michael Miller
Szabolcs Pogonyi

For inquiries, please e-mail us at populismconference@ceu.edu


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