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Главная » 2014 » Октябрь » 23 » Conference «Many Faces, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture» (Albuquerque, February 11-14, 2015)
Conference «Many Faces, Many Voices: Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture» (Albuquerque, February 11-14, 2015)

Popular and American Culture Studies

Many Faces, Many Voices:
Intersecting Borders in Popular and American Culture

Join us for the 36th Annual SWPACA Conference
February 11 – 14, 2015,
Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Join us as we embrace the scholarship addressing the ways we cross borders in our everyday lives. From personal experiences of gender, class, and race/ethnicity, to disciplinary intersections with pedagogical implications, the future of American and Popular Culture is dynamic and rich!  The Southwest Popular/American Culture Association is now accepting paper/panel proposals for our 36th annual conference being held February 11 – 14, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center, Albuquerque, NM.

Submission Directions:

Use this list of Subject Areas when preparing your paper/panel proposal. The areas are divided into multiple thematic categories; use the jump-links below to navigate to various categories, or just scroll down the extensive list. For 2015, the conference has combined, expanded, and/or discontinued various subject areas.  So, please check this revised list carefully before deciding which area to send your proposal.

Click on an individual area name to find its Call for Papers. Please note that many areas have specific requirements for proposals, as explained in their respective CFPs.

For 2015, applicants must enter their proposals directly through the conference’s online submission database. We will begin accepting soon.  Final deadline for submissions is November 1, 2014. Area chairs will NOT consider any emailed proposals. However, if you need additional information prior to submitting a proposal, email the appropriate area chair.

Each applicant may submit only one paper proposal.  The proposed paper should not have been published or presented elsewhere.


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