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Главная » 2016 » Март » 27 » Conference «Identifying Identity: Ideas of Personal and Public Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World» (Durham, 14-15 July 2016)
Conference «Identifying Identity: Ideas of Personal and Public Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World» (Durham, 14-15 July 2016)

MEMSA cnference 14-15 July 2016
The Medieval and Early Modern Student Association of Durham University
is pleased to announce its tenth annual conference:
Identifying Identity: Ideas of Personal and Public Identity in the Medieval and Early Modern World.

This interdisciplinary conference will invite postgraduate and early career researchers to speak on all aspects of identity. We welcome papers from all disciplines studying identity in the medieval and early modern world. Identity is an increasingly important subject in academic research that transcends interdisciplinary boundaries. Identity and the methodologies we use to find and communicate evidence of identity in literary, historical, archaeological and other sources are relevant to both our own lives today, as well as the medieval and early modern world we study.

Suggestions for topics include, but are not limited to:

  •  Performed identities
  •  Transnational identity and conflict
  •  National and local, macro and micro-identities
  •  Ownership, artistry and patronage in private and public buildings
  •  Mistaken identity and deception
  •  Authorship and attributions in texts
  •  Gender and sexual identities
  •  Imagined community
  •  Urban and rural identities
  •  Identification with literary figures
  •  Medieval and early modern ideas of the self
  •  Religious identities
  •  Kinship, community and neighbourhood
  •  Expressions of identity in ego-documents

In addition to the panels the conference will include two key note lectures by Prof Andrew Beresford (Durham University) and Dr Fiona Edmonds (University of Cambridge) and opportunities for delegates to visit Durham Cathedral and Castle. The conference fee will be £10, which will cover costs for refreshments and lunch.

Abstracts of 200-300 words can be sent to imrs.memsa@durham.ac.uk. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 10 April 2016.

The event will take place in Durham, UK.

Contact Info: For more information and updates, visit dur.ac.uk/imems/memsa, our blog durhammemsa.wordpress.com, and follow us on twitter @DurhamMEMSA.

Contact Email: imrs.memsa@durham.ac.uk


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«  Март 2016  »
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