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Главная » 2018 » Январь » 28 » Conference «Current Populism in Europe: Culture, History, Identity» (Prague, 21-22 May 2018)
Conference «Current Populism in Europe: Culture, History, Identity» (Prague, 21-22 May 2018)

Institute for International Studies Charles University in Prague together with Heinrich Böll Stiftung and Goethe Institut organize 21 and 22 May 2018 4th Prague Populism Conference titled «Current Populism in Europe: Culture, History, Identity». The conference is dedicated to the claim to represent the “will of the people”, the rejection of “elites”, the concept of “a glorious past”, nationalist narratives, and a certain understanding of identity and culture promulgated by populist parties, leaders and movements across Europe. In order to fully understand the goals and successes of these actors in European politics, it is essential to look at the respective historical context in which they have emerged and to analyse their politics of history and culture. Within the scope of the 4th Prague Populism Conference, the organisers encourage applicants to submit papers on the following issues:

  •  Populism in historical and cultural perspective
  •  The use of historical and nationalist narratives in populist communication
  •  Comparative studies of current populist parties and movements in Europe
  •  Populism and the politics of identity

Confirmed speakers: 

  • Ruth Wodak (Lancaster University)
  • Francisco Panizza (London School of Economics)
  • Hans-Jürgen Puhle (Goethe University Frankfurt)
  • Gianpietro Mazzoleni (University of Milan)

Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to populism@fsv.cuni.cz by 31 January 2018. Accepted papers will be announced by 16 February 2018. There is no conference fee for participants. More details will follow on the conference website. Any queries can be directed to the conference email address: mejstrik.m@fsv.cuni.cz

Contact Info:

Applicants are invited to submit abstracts of up to 300 words and short CVs to populism@fsv.cuni.cz by 31 January 2018.

Any queries can be directed to the conference email address: mejstrik.m@fsv.cuni.cz

Contact Email: populism@fsv.cuni.cz

For details please visit website.


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«  Январь 2018  »
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