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Главная » 2016 » Апрель » 22 » Conference «Cultures in Times of Transition» (Frankfurt (Oder), 13-14 July 2016)
Conference «Cultures in Times of Transition» (Frankfurt (Oder), 13-14 July 2016)

An interdisciplinary conference hosted by the annual summer school of
the Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies at the European University Viadrina

Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, July 13-14, 2016

“Cultures in Times of Transition” – the concluding two-day conference of this year’s annual summer school at the Center of Interdisciplinary Polish Studies focuses on how the years before and after 1989/90 transgressed and transformed societies in Central Europe on both sides of the (former) Iron Curtain. In a broad and interdisciplinary approach, the following (or other) questions might be of interest:

  • How did the transformations affect everyday life for citizens on both sides of the Iron Curtain?
  • How did ideas of “the other” circulate before and after the fall of the wall? What can we say about those ideas?
  • When socialist citizens spoke of the “West,” did they envision America or West Germany as a model? Or other “Western” nations?
  • What did a future utopia look like for citizens of the East? What role did those Eastern utopias play in the future envisioned by Western citizens?
  • What strategies were employed e.g. by politicians, artists or young people, in how to be or stay “authentic” in a world of neo-liberal capitalism?
  • How did governments or companies change tactics in order to best captivate a new community of consumers in the East?

We invite proposals for 15 min presentations. We especially welcome contributions from graduate students and early career scholars. Please submit an abstract of your paper (no more than 250 words) and a short CV, no later than May 20, 2016

to Mark Keck-Szajbel at keck@europa-uni.de. Questions about the conference can also be directed to this address. Travel costs and accommodation will be covered by the conference organizers. A publication of the papers is envisioned in the collection “Interdisciplinary Polish Studies” in 2017.

For mor information visit the Website

Contact Info:
Dr. Mark Keck-Szajbel
Center for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies
European University Viadrina
Grosse Scharrnstr. 59
15230 Frankfurt Oder
Contact Email: keck@europa-uni.de


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