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Главная » 2018 » Ноябрь » 11 » Conference “Communities in Flux: Rethinking Sovereignty and Identity in an Era of Change” (Tartu, 9-11 June 2019)
Conference “Communities in Flux: Rethinking Sovereignty and Identity in an Era of Change” (Tartu, 9-11 June 2019)



Communities in Flux: Rethinking Sovereignty and Identity in an Era of Change

9-11 June 2019, Tartu, Estonia

Scholars working in all subfields of area studies, including comparative politics, international relations, economics, history, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies and related disciplines, are invited to submit proposals for panels, roundtables and papers for the Fourth Annual Tartu Conference on Russian and East European Studies.

The Tartu Conference is a venue for academic discussion of the fundamental cultural, social, economic and political trends affecting all aspects of people’s life in Russia and Eastern Europe. Inaugurated in June 2016 as the flagship event for the Horizon 2020 UPTAKE consortium, this forum brings together scholars from across multiple disciplines, from the region and beyond. The 2019 Tartu Conference is organized by the UT’s Centre for EU–Russia Studies (CEURUS) in cooperation with the Institute of Russian and Eurasian Studies at Uppsala University and the Global Europe Centre at the University of Kent. As in previous years, the organizers expect the number of participants to reach or exceed 200.

The problem of community – moral and political, cultural and civic, national, local, regional and global – is central to many heated debates of our time. These debates often focus on state sovereignty, including such issues as national independence, control over territories and people, interdependence and regional integration, minorities and immigration. However, we live in an increasingly fragmented world, where political polarization and ‘culture wars’ undermine national cohesion. Imperial legacies, technological developments and globalization reshape existing communities and create new ones, both in the ‘real’ world and in cyberspace. Revolutionary forms of art and cosmopolitan lifestyles sometimes clash with conservative mindsets which foreground traditional culture and civilizational uniqueness. Against this background, there is ever more urgent need to reflect on what holds communities together and enables them to operate as sovereign agents shaping their own future.

Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet space is a region where such controversies are as salient as anywhere in today’s world. In the recent decades, the region has been affected by global post-industrial transformations, while also becoming an arena of multiple overlapping struggles between tradition and change. Conference participants are invited to reflect on these challenges as they are faced by local communities and entire nations; comparative research focusing on the region and beyond is particularly encouraged.

The Programme Committee will consider proposals addressing the above and related questions as well as other issues relevant to the development of Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and Eurasia from any disciplinary angle. Interdisciplinary perspectives are especially welcome.

The conference will begin with the evening session on Sunday, 9 June, and end in late afternoon on Tuesday, 11 June. The programme will include academic panels, roundtables focused on current issues and plenary sessions. Keynote presentations will be delivered by Nancy Condee, Professor and Co-Chair of Slavic at the University of Pittsburgh and Director of the Center for Russian and East European Studies (REES); and Gerard Toal, Professor of Government and International Affairs and Director of the Government and International Affairs program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, National Capital Region campus.

The organizers welcome individual paper submissions as well as proposals for full panels and roundtables. The Programme Committee will give careful and unbiased consideration to all proposals; however, panel proposals are particularly encouraged.

Each paper proposal must include an abstract of no more than 300 words. Panel and roundtable proposals should list all speakers (as a general rule, 4-5 per panel/roundtable), along with abstracts and, if available, information about the chair and the discussant (alternatively, these can be assigned by the Programme Committee).  Please use this link to submit your proposal by 20 February 2019.

All proposals will undergo rigorous selection by the Programme Committee. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by email by 20 March. Accepted participants will be expected to register by 20 April and pay a registration fee of 50 euros (see Rules of Participation and Important Dates for other deadlines).

Participants should plan to make their own travel arrangements. The organizers will issue visa invitations, where applicable. Practical information regarding travel and accommodation is available on the conference website. If there are any further questions, please contact the organizers directly: info@tartuconference.ut.ee.

Programme Committee

Viacheslav Morozov, University of Tartu
Eiki Berg, University of Tartu
Stefan Hedlund, University of Uppsala
Elena Korosteleva, University of Kent

Download full CfP here:

call_for_papers_tartu_2019_01.pdf 496 KB
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