Главная » 2012 » Январь » 21 » CfP Journal: Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia
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CfP Journal: Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia
Deadline: February 1, 2012
'Region' is a new peer-reviewed journal for regional studies of former Soviet bloc countries, published by the Slavica publishers on behalf of the Institute of Russian Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.
We are now receiving papers to be reviewed for publication in the second and subsequent issues. There is no thematic constraint, so we welcome any papers investigating various topics pertaining to the history and current affairs of the Russian Federation, East Europe, and Central Asia. As well as research papers, we also receive reviews/review essays of books on topics falling into the given scope.
A brief guideline for submission of research papers/review/review essays is given below: Research Articles: There is no absolute length requirement for manuscripts but the preferred length is 8,000-10,000 words. An abstract of no more than150 words should be provided at the beginning of the article. If possible, manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word using Times New Roman 12 point font. Double-space the abstract, manuscript, notes, and indented quotations. Number pages consecutively. Articles should be submitted to Prof. Hakyung Jung, Managing Editor(hakyungj@gmail.com). Review Articles: Review essays analyze in depth a discrete body of noteworthy secondary works, should begin with a title and list of books under consideration, with full bibliographical information. The preferred length is 1,500-3,000 words. Reviews are expected to contain a scholarly apparatus, although it need not be extensive. The preferred length is 750-1,000 words. A review should bear no title and begin with the bibliographic data of the reviewed book. We welcome suggestions of books to review, as well as book reviews themselves. To suggest a book for review or to volunteer as a reviewer, please contact Prof. Hakyung Jung, Managing Editor (hakyungj@gmail.com).
Although we receive papers year-round, the deadline of manuscript submission for the second issue is February 1st, 2012.
'Region' is a peer-reviewed international journal that explores the history and current political, economic, social, and cultural affairs of the entire former Soviet bloc. In particular, the journal focuses on various facets of transformation at the local and national levels in the aforementioned regions, as well as the changing character of their relationships with the rest of world in the context of glocalization. The following topics are most prominently featured: + Regional identities in globalized societies + Communication and transmission of information + Migration and boundaries + Transition: politics, economy, society, and culture + Theories and methodologies of regional studies in the context of "glocalization” + Imagined territories: cyber space, urban vs. rural, center vs. periphery, etc.+ Inter-regional cooperation + Identities in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, memories, and nostalgia
This journal will be distinguished from others in similar fields by its (g)locally oriented perspective. This journal will also regularly give a certain portion of space to articles on concrete local issues written by local Eurasianist scholars. All submitted articles go through a peer review process, after initial screening by internal editors. Each article is read by a minimum of two anonymous external referees.
Editors-in-chief Siegelbaum, Lewis (History, Michigan State Univ., USA) Hong, Wan-Suk, (Politics, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Korea)
Managing Editor Jung, Hakyung (Slavic Linguistics, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Korea)
Editors Avdokushin, Evgeny (Economy, Moscow State Univ., Russia) Clowes, Edith (Literature, Univ. of Kansas, USA) Dobrenko, Evgeny (Literature & Film, Univ. of Sheffield, UK) Epstein, Dan (Politics, Colgate Univ., USA) Goldman, Marshall (Economy, Harvard, USA) Golosov, Grigory (Politics, European Univ., Russia) Goscilo, Helena (Literature & Film, Ohio State Univ., USA) Guihai, Guan (Politics, Pekin Univ., China) Hong, Wan-Suk (Politics, Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies, Korea) Kononenko, Natalie (Folklore, Univ. of Alberta, Canada) Krylov, Mikhail P. (Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Lovell, Stephen (History, King?s College London, UK) Petrov, Nikolai (Politics, Carnegie Moscow Center, Russia) Raleigh, Donald J. (History, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA) Ransel, David (History, Indiana Univ., USA) Sakwa, Richard (Politics, Kent Univ., UK) Siegelbaum, Lewis (History, Michigan State Univ., USA) Strukov, Vlad (Culture & Film, Univ. of Leeds, UK) Tangalycheva, Rimma K. (Sociology, St. Petersburg State Univ., Russia) Watchtel, Andrew (Literature, American Univ. of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan)
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