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Главная » 2011 » Октябрь » 26 » Call for Papers. Religion and Civil Society: Conflicts of Religious Identity and Integration Processes in Globalizing World
Call for Papers. Religion and Civil Society: Conflicts of Religious Identity and Integration Processes in Globalizing World

Call for Papers

10th International Workshop

Religion and Civil Society:

Identity and Integration Processes in Globalizing World

November 16 – 20, 2011, Yalta, Livadia (Crimea, Ukraine)

Organizers: Western Michigan University (USA) and TAURIDA NATIONAL V.I.Vernadsky UNIVERSITY (Ukraine), NETWORK OF CULTURAL EXCHANGE AND INTERETHNIC TRUST (Ukraine).

Our discourse shall include the following topics:

  • Role of religion in globalized cultural space;
  • Religious identity and geopolitical world-view as factors of formation of multipolar world;
  • Crisis of multiculturalism policy in Europe;
  • Ethno-confessional identity and integration processes in the global financial crisis;
  • Relations between Islam and Christianity in the context of regional, national and international security;
  • Religious and ethnic identity as an object of manipulation technologies;
  • Clash of Civilizations: myth or reality?
  • Tolerance and hatred: philosophical, ethical and psychological aspects;
  • Religion and social capital: parameters of the interaction;
  • Social networks as a factor in the structuring of civil society;
  • State-church relations and social service in civil society;
  • Media as a resource for geopolitical competition;
  • Religion and sustainable development: etno-ecological measuring of daily life;
  • Linguistic aspects of intercultural communication;
  • Religion and education: in search of harmony and dialogue.

The list of issues is open for continuation.

Round table "The Politicization of Islam and Revolutions in the Countries of North Africa: Triumph of Democratic Values or Geopolitical Competition?” will be held within the framework of the Workshop.


Dr. Rudolf Siebert, Professor of the Department of Comparative Religion at Western Michigan university (USA), director of the Center for Humanistic Future Studies, director of the international course on the "Future of Religion” in the Inter-University Center for Post-Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik, Croatia
http: //www.rudolfjsiebert.org

Dr.Tatyana Senyushkina, Doctor of Public Administration, professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University (Ukaine), head of the Crimean Branch of the Society of Conflictologists of Ukraine, director of the Network of Cultural Exchange and Interethnic Trust


Participants’ presentations will be published after the workshop.

Registration fee: 70 EUR to be paid after arrival.

Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian

Accomodation: Hotel "Bristol”, Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine.

From 72 USD to 276 USD per room per night. Prices include: accommodation with breakfast, porterage of luggage, VAT, 10 Roosevelt St., Yalta, Crimea 98600, Ukraine. Reservation: +38-0654 271606, fax +38 0654 271609

E-mail: reserve@hotel-bristol.com.ua http: // www.hotel-bristol.com.ua

Guided tours to the Palace-Park Complex of the South Crimean Coast (Livadia Palace of the last Russian Tzar Nicolay II in Yalta, Voroncov Palace in Alupka, Russian Tzar Alexander III Palace in Massandra), and also to famous Nikitskiy Botanic Garden and to the world-wide famous for its perfect vines Massandra Vine Production will be offered to the Workshop participants.

To participate in the Workshop, please send your application no later than 15 October, 2011 on the following address: nce@mail.ru, tsenyushkina@yandex.ru

More information about Workshop is on the web-site: http:// nce.sevhost.net

Application form

Name of the Participant ________________________________________________

Topic of the Presentation _______________________________________________

Scientific degree/Student involvement ____________________________________

Affiliation ____________________________________________________________

Position _____________________________________________________________

Contact phone number (please, indicate the area code):

office: _____________________________________alternative: _______________


Fax: _______________________________________________________________

Postal address for sending printed Workshop Materials: ______________________

Signature (if sent by regular mail) ______________________________________

Date of filling the application ___________________________________________

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