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Главная » 2013 » Сентябрь » 25 » Call for papers "Journal of Identity and Migration Studies"
Call for papers "Journal of Identity and Migration Studies"

Call for papers - JIMS 2013 
15 October 2013 - Extended deadline for the Autumn edition

 All submissions for the spring 2013 edition should be received no later than March 30, 2013 and those for the autumn edition should be sent before 30 August 2013. Please send submissions to:  jims@e-migration.ro (and a copy to contact@e-migration.ro) with Manuscript Submission: [TITLE OF ARTICLE] in the subject heading. The Research Centre on Identity and Migration Issues appreciates your contribution to the Journal.

 Along with the manuscript author(s) should submit a Declaration of Authenticity/Originality.

The Research Centre for Identity and Migration Issues (RCIMI) of the University of Oradea is publishing the Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (JIMS) which is a semi-annual online review that promotes high-quality academic work in the field of migration and identity, as well in other related fields in the social sciences.


The editors of the Journal of Identity and Migration Studies (JIMS) invite scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and students to submit articles, essays, book reviews  and recent conference reports for publication in the 2013 editions. JIMS is committed to publishing cutting-edge, provocative, and thoughtful migration and identity scholarship. Our goal is to explore new directions and perspectives in understanding the complex phenomena of migration and identity.

 Manuscripts should be submitted with text at 1.5 lines and footnotes typed at single-space lines. Footnotes should comply with the Chicago Style of Citation. For more details on publication  requirements please consult the Guidelines for authors page on this website.

In addition to the manuscript, authors must include an accurate abstract of not more than 200 words, keywords, as well as a short resume or CV. Authors must also ensure that their submissions include an email address and phone number at which they can be reached throughout the review period.

Manuscripts will be accepted with the understanding that their content is unpublished previously. If any part of an article or essay has already been published, or is to be published elsewhere, the author must inform the Journal's editors at the time of submission. The Journal's editors  will attempt to notify authors of acceptance or rejection as quickly as possible.

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