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Главная » 2011 » Июль » 10 » Call for Papers for the 2011 Issue of Identity Studies
Call for Papers for the 2011 Issue of Identity Studies

Identity Studies

Political Theology - Call for Papers for the 2011 Issue of Identity Studies

Identity Studies is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary academic journal, published by Ilia State University (Tbilisi) and founded in the framework of the SCOPES (Swiss National Science Foundation) Project "Social Sciences in Changing Contexts: the Case of Georgia".

The first issue offered the proceedings of the conference dedicated to re-thinking of the theories of nationalism, specifically in the context of Georgia, while the second issue concentrated on the problem and challenges to (de-)secularization.

The upcoming, 3rd issue will focus on social, anthropological, political, cultural, religious studies regarding political theology.

Political theology is an ancient term, but it received its modern significance in the 20s of the last century thanks to the work by Carl Schmitt, for whom it was itself a political i.d. war concept. After undergoing transformations and acquiring new connotations within the Catholic and Protestant theologies, the terms tended in the last decades to acquire a more descriptive meaning, designating the intertwining and intersection between theological and political discourses, between religious order and political community.

With the present call for abstracts we seek innovative approaches in the analysis of religious content in specific political discourses, looking at political theology from the angles of - including but not restricted to - religious studies, sociology, political science, philosophy, history and cultural studies. Articles concerning concrete religious traditions and the place of the political within them are especially welcome.

Hence, comparative and interdisciplinary papers are welcome. Deadline for the final draft is 1st of November, 2011; however, in order to facilitate the submission process, we are expecting the first draft by 10th of July, 2011. The target date for publication is November 20, 2010.

Submitted articles are expected to be innovative and original, not being under consideration for publishing elsewhere. The peer reviewers are chosen by their expertise in relevant areas and the process is double-blinded. The reviewing lasts at least 4 weeks and the final approval or rejection will be send to authors by the end of September.

Article manuscripts should be 20 to 30 double-spaced type written pages in English, including endnotes. The Journal conforms to the Chicago Manual of Style (please follow the examples of previous publications at http://identitystudies.ac.ge)

For more information please contact Assistant Editor of the Journal, Shota Khinchagashvili at contact@identitystudies.ac.ge.

Editor: Giga Zedania

Advisory Board

Nicolas Hayoz (Fribourg)

Theo Kobusch (Bonn)

Niklaus Largier (Berkeley)

Guram Tevzadze (Tbilisi)

Johannes Weiss (Kassel)


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