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Главная » 2019 » Декабрь » 25 » «BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE TRAUMA» that is going to be held on March 12-13, 2020 in Tartu
«BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE TRAUMA» that is going to be held on March 12-13, 2020 in Tartu

Between Individual and Collective Trauma


International Scientific Colloquium, March 12-13. 2020. Estonian Literary Museum (Vanemuise 42, Tartu, Estonia)

The theory of cultural trauma has recently developed into a true humanitarian scientific paradigm aimed at studying chaotic and catastrophic moments of the history with far-reaching social and cultural consequences. Big and important events for the cultural history of the West concerning overcoming of cultural traumas and axiological crisis, alongside with the processes of changing into modern culture and forming new systems need to be considered.

The Colloquium will give particular attention to the problems of collective memory and representation that are essential in discussing traumatic experience, as well as symbolic meditation processes in cultural topology and topography. The focus is on problematic issues of memory, identity, cultural topos and the process of trauma where its importance is being formed in the context of "forgetting / remembering" in different discourses such as religion, aesthetics, jurisdiction, bureaucracy, etc.

  • • identity;
    • trauma process;
    • "forgetting/remembering" in different discourses (religion, aesthetics, jurisdiction, bureaucracy, etc);
    • metamorphoses and transitions in myths;
    • traumatic narrative;
    • trauma and humour (e.g. black humour);
    • individual / collective aspects of trauma;
    • topography of traumatic experience and life trajectory;
    • trauma and victim.




  • Title and abstract of presentation (recommended length 100-150 words) in English should be submitted by February 15, 2020. The online form for abstract submissions and registration is open.
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«  Декабрь 2019  »
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«Политическая наука в меняющемся мире: новые практики и теоретический поиск», Москва, РУДН, 1-2 декабря 2023 г. (0)
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