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Главная » 2017 » Апрель » 5 » 4thInternational Conference on Social Sciences (ICOSS 2017) to be held from 21st – 22nd September, 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
4thInternational Conference on Social Sciences (ICOSS 2017) to be held from 21st – 22nd September, 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

The International Institute of Knowledge Management, Sri Lanka takes pride in inviting to send in your abstracts for the 4thInternational Conference on Social Sciences (ICOSS 2017) to be held from 21st – 22nd September, 2017 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

In today’s context, it is evident that the most complicated species on earth is humans who have the ability to think and act. This significant ability has paved way for decisions taken at own discretions creating numerous issues in the society. The conference on the subject of Social Science is believed to be a vital topic to be discussed creating a platform for better understanding leading towards global sustainability. The main aim in organizing the International Conference on Social Sciences 2017 is to motivate individuals to explore opportunities for potential contribution to disciplines under the broader topics of Social Sciences.

ICOSS 2017 aims to provide a communication platform for scholars, professionals, academicians, activists and students not only to present their recent and latest researches but also to share their thoughts and discuss future prospects in the field of Social Science.

ICOSS 2017 welcomes research papers on the below mentioned tracks but not limited to;


  • Human Evolution, Communication and Social Dimensions
  • Economics and Community Development
  • Social features of Management, Marketing and Finance
  • Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education
  • Value and Importance of Landscape Affect to Human Lives
  • Historiographical Paradigms of Human Events
  • Law and Justice
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Social Aspects of Human Language
  • Theory and Practice of Politics
  • Psychology on Various Spheres of Human Activity
  • Health and Human Well Being
  • Social and Community Development
  • Philosophy
  • Child Protection and Welfare
  • Women and Gender Equality
  • Food Security and Human Nutrition
  • Systematic Study of Society and Human Social Action.
  • Cross-Cultural Studies, Peace and Conflict Resolution
  • Dynamics in Human Populations
  • Environment and Society
  • Techniques Pertaining to the Information Life Cycle
  • Recovery And Analysis Of Material Culture
  • http://thesocialstudies.co/call-for-papers/

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«  Апрель 2017  »
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