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Главная » 2014 » Февраль » 27 » 2014 Summer Institute in Urban Studies
2014 Summer Institute in Urban Studies

2014 Summer Institute in Urban Studies

The Summer Institute in Urban Studies will take place the University of Manchester and run from the evening of Sunday 29 June to the evening of 4 July 2014. It provides an opportunity to investigate leading-edge theoretical and methodological questions, along with a range of associated career development issues, in the urban studies field.

The Institute will feature contributions from internationally renowned figures in urban studies, frominside and outside of Manchester.


Open to doctoral students (usually post-fieldwork), postdoctoral researchers, and recently appointed faculty/lecturers (normally within three years of first continuing appointment), the Institute comprises an intensive, week-long program of activities.

It is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the innovatory developments and enduring controversies in urban studies, as well as mentoring and support in the different aspects of the academic labour process, from applying for grants to designing courses, from editing books and special issues of journals to writing book proposals, and from publishing in journals to working at the academic/non-academic interface. It will consist of panels, lectures, reading groups, with participants involved in shaping the final programme.

Feature speakers

  • David Imbroscio, Professor, Department of Political Science & Public and Urban Affairs, University of Louisville - Profile
  • Simon Guy, Professor, Manchester Architectural Research Centre, University of Manchester -Profile
  • Loretta Lees, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Leicester - Profile
  • Colin McFarlane, Reader, Department of Geography, Durham University - Profile
  • Eugene McCann, Professor, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University - Profile
  • Michael Neuman, Professor, Australian Graduate School of Urbanism, University of New South Wales - Profile
  • Diana Mitlin, Professor, Global Urban Research Centre, University of Manchester - Profile
  • Erik Swyngedouw, Professor, Geography, University of Manchester - Profile

Other speakers

In addition to those giving "plenaries” a range of others will be acting as chairs, discussants and panellists during the course of the Institute:


The fee for the Institute is £200. This amount covers the organizational costs and includes accommodation for six nights (29 June to 4 July inclusive), a welcome reception (29 June), a walking tour (2 July), and an institute dinner (3 July).


Funding from the University of Manchester allows us to offer three scholarships to those attending from countries classified as B or C by the ISA. Scholarships will cover the cost of flights and the £200 Institute registration fee. The scholarships will not cover daily subsistence expenses (meals, local transportation costs etc.).


Application forms are now available via the link below. The deadline for applications is Friday 28 February 2014.

More information

If you have any questions regarding the 2014 Summer Institute in Urban Studies please contact the cities@manchester co-ordinator, Laura Partridge, at cities@manchester.ac.uk.


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