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Главная » 2014 » Ноябрь » 13 » 1st International Conference: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis: ADDA 1 Valencia, 19-20 November 2015
1st International Conference: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis: ADDA 1 Valencia, 19-20 November 2015

1st International Conference: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis:  ADDA 1

Valencia, 19-20 November 2015


Papers are invited for the 1st International Conference: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis – ADDA 1, which will take place in Valencia, 19-20 November 2015.

This conference aims to bring together researches interested in the analysis of digital discourse from different disciplines, approaches and traditions. Thus, it seeks to foster state-of-the-art debates and discussions on this burgeoning field of research and provide opportunities for multidisciplinary and critical reflection.


Patricia Bou-Franch – Universitat de Valencia

Pilar G. Blitvich – University of North Carolina at Charlotte


Confirmed plenary speakers

Jannis Androutsopoulos – Universität Hamburg

Susan C. Herring – Indiana University

Crispin Thurlow – University of Bern


Conference themes

Papers are invited from discourse scholars from different traditions focusing on digital discourse, among others:

· Research methods in digital discourse analysis
· Critical digital discourse analysis
· Micro analysis of digital discourse
· Digital genres
· Discourse and identities in the digital world
· Multimodality and digital discourse
· Conflict in digital discourse
· Cognitive approaches to discourse analysis
· Digital discourse and the professions
· Digital service encounters
· Political discourse in the digital age
· Gender and the digital media
· Digital discourse and education

 Submission information

Panel proposals:

Panel proposals are invited by 15 January 2015. Decisions will be notified by 30 January. Panels may include up to 6 papers. Individual panel members should submit abstracts, marking the Panel name, to the conference address by 15 February 2015. All abstracts, both in panels and as individual papers, will be subject to double blind peer review.

Individual papers:

Abstracts of no more than 350 words, including references, are invited. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 February 2015. Please send the abstracts to the conference email address, as a word document and remember not to include author(s) name and affiliation in the abstract.

Notification of acceptance

by 15 March.

Contact us

For any queries please contact ADDA 1 organizers Patricia Bou-Franch and Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich atadda.organizers@gmail.com

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