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Главная » 2013 » Май » 8 » 1st Global Conference: “Shapeshifters: Transformations, Hybridity and Identity”, November 1-3, 2013 Athens, Greece
1st Global Conference: “Shapeshifters: Transformations, Hybridity and Identity”, November 1-3, 2013 Athens, Greece
1st Global Conference: "Shapeshifters: Transformations, Hybridity and Identity”
Date: November 1-3, 2013
Site: Athens, Greece
Organiser: Inter-Disciplinary.Net
Topics: This conference seeks to address that lack by examining the role of the shapeshifter in culture, including literature, film, television, graphic novels, fan cultures and video games. The organisers are interested in essays dealing with any time period or genre. Contributions from all disciplines are welcome. Topics may include but are not limited to: Historical medical discourses about shapeshifters; The monstrosity of shapeshifters; Freak(s) – of nature; of technology; accidents of birth; Queering form; Invading and possessing bodies; Science fiction: inter- species reproduction: non-human reproduction, hybrids; Issues of identity: does the shapeshifitng entity share one identity? Are multiple identities cohabitating in one body? Issues of body image: to what degree does control of one’s own body tie into the idea of "shapeshifting”? How does the issue of changing shape tie in to plastic surgery? What about eating disorders? To what degree are our identities anchored to our outward appearances; does a change in one affect the other?; What could be possible reasons for the rising occurrence of shapeshifitng bodies in popular culture during the last ten years?; Paranormal romance novels feature an abundance of shapeshifitng entities: what draws the audience to these works and their characters?; Posthumanism: has the issue of "shape” become irrelevant in posthuman studies? How does shifting shape tie in to posthumanism?; Cyberspace issues: Have we indeed become the cyborg?; DNA gambles and gene manipulations: the meaning of the shapeshifter in science and culture; Alternate Worlds/realities; (Dis)Ability—representations of mental illness, psychotherapeutic techniques, (de)institutionalization in the changing of the body; Interpersonal Communication: body language; (Neuro)Science and Technology—ethics (e.g., human experimentations); Teen shapeshifters; Role-playing, gaming and MMORPGs; Mythologies and folkloric belief; Magic, transformation and the body; Theoretical considerations of gender, female and non-normative sexuality; The female shapeshifter as/and the other; The male shapeshifter as/and the other’; Post-9/11 shapeshifting and its implications; Cultural shapeshifting, mimicry, integration and post-colonial identity; Carnivalesque as a performance; Performance in relation to the shapeshifter: performing gender, performing identities, performing sexuality, performing cultural belonging/stereotypes; The way we dress as a shapeshifting act: cross- dressing, transvestism, drag; McDonald.s is going green: The shapeshifting nature of corporations and institutions.
Language: English Fee: 315 .
Deadline: June 14, 2013
Contact: Margo Collins and Rob Fisher E-mail: margoc@inter-disciplinary.net; shape1@inter-disciplinary.net
Источник: Social Science News, May 2013  
Просмотров: 2001 | Добавил: MakoFka | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
«  Май 2013  »
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