Главная » 2016 » Октябрь » 20 » 1-ая Ежегодная МАПН-ВШЭ Летняя школа «Концепции, методы и техники политической науки», Санкт-Петербург, 30 июля - 13 августа 2017 г.
09:05 1-ая Ежегодная МАПН-ВШЭ Летняя школа «Концепции, методы и техники политической науки», Санкт-Петербург, 30 июля - 13 августа 2017 г. |
1st Annual IPSA-HSE Summer School in Concepts, Methods and Techniques in Political Science
The 1st IPSA-HSE Summer School is to be held at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg from July 30 to August 13, 2017. Organized by the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg’s and Higher School of Economics, Moscow’s Departments of Political Science and the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the Summer School is designed to provide basic and advanced training in a wide range of social science methodologies and techniques.
The School invites high-potential scholars of political science, international relations, and related disciplines from across the globe and diverse educational, professional and methodological backgrounds. While we expect that most participants to be current faculty members, post-doctoral or doctoral students, we also welcome advanced masters’ students as the Summer School participants.
The IPSA-HSE Summer School instructors represent the very best professorial talent offering courses in a broad range of qualitative and quantitative methods. In 2016 the Summer School will be organized as a series of one-week modules (with a possibility to combine them into a two-week course):
- Applied Regression Analysis: Introductory Level (Aleksei Zakharov, National Research University Higher School of Economics),
- Applied Regression Analysis: Intermediate Course (Eduard Ponarin, National Research University Higher School of Economics ),
- Social Network Analysis: Introduction and Applications (Ben Lind, National Research University Higher School of Economics),
- Social Network Analysis: Advanced Models (Ben Lind, National Research University Higher School of Economics),
- Structural Equation Modeling (Peter Schmidt, Giessen University),
- Bayesian Statistics for Political and Social Research (Boris Sokolov, National Research University Higher School of Economics),
- Grounded Theory (Werner Patzelt, TU Drezden ),
- Qualitative Comparative Analysis (Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Marburg University)
- Case Study Analysis I (Cameron Thies, Arizona State University),
- Case Study Analysis II (Cameron Thies, Arizona State University).
Students will also participate in a series of late-afternoon seminars on “Political Transformation of Postcommunist Eurasia”.
Institutional Partners
The 2017 IPSA-HSE Summer School will be held with the financial support of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg.
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