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Главная » 2019 » Декабрь » 3 » 16th EASA Biennial Conference New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe 21-24 July 2020 in Lisbon
16th EASA Biennial Conference New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe 21-24 July 2020 in Lisbon

The Call for Papers is now open and closes at 23:59 GMT/WEST on 20 January 2020.

Before proposing a paper, please read the conference theme, the rules below, and then browse the list of panels.

The Call for Early Career Scholars Forum, the Call for Laboratories and the Call for Films are also open; please navigate to those pages to see the instructions for proposing plenary contributions, labs and films. The calls for ECSF and Labs will end with the CFP on 20 January, while the CFFilms will close on 31 January 2020.


There is a ‘one role just once, up to four roles altogether’ rule at EASA conferences:

  1. A delegate may present one paper
  2. Be a convenor of one panel
  3. Be a chair in one panel
  4. Be a discussant in one panel (participation in a roundtable is considered being a discussant)

We cannot stop you from making several proposals, but would urge you to be prudent, as so much time gets lost in the subsequent chasing for withdrawals, and the potential upset to panel convenors. (See some advice below*.)

All authors and panel convenors must be members of EASA by the time they register for the conference (note that for presenting/convening, being just a member of another WCAA organisation does not count), but one does not have be an EASA member in order to propose a paper and have it accepted. There is a financial incentive to become an EASA member for all delegates, as non-members pay a higher registration fee.


Note that there are 14 roundtables in the panels' list. Not all the roundtables are open (there will be no link for proposing a paper on a closed panel's page), but some do take in contributions for short provocations. Do pay attention to the format of the panel you are proposing your paper to, and make sure you understand the requirements of alternative panel formats (e.g. NCN). If in doubt of what is expected of you, email the panel convenors from the panel page.

Proposing a paper

Paper proposals must consist of:

  • a paper title
  • the name/s and email address/es of author/s
  • a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
  • a long abstract of fewer than 250 words

All proposals must be made via the online form, not by email. There is a 'Propose paper' button in the title section of each open panel. Navigate to the panel you are interested in and click on this button to propose directly to that panel. If you then decide you’d like to propose to another panel, first click ‘Cancel’ on the proposal form, before returning to the panel explorer (otherwise you’ll remain locked into that panel).

On submission of the proposal, the proposing author (but not the co-authors) will receive an automated email confirming receipt. If you do not receive this email, please first check the login environment (Cocoa) via the link in the toolbar above, to see if your proposal is there. If it is, it simply means your confirmation email got spammed/lost; if it is not, you will need to re-submit, as for some reason the process was not completed. Co-authors cannot be added/removed nor can papers be withdrawn by the proposers themselves – for that, please email conference(at)easaonline.org

Proposals will be marked as pending until the end of the Call for Papers (20/01/2020). Convenors will then be asked to make their decisions over the papers proposed to their panel by 02/02/2020 and to communicate those to the proposers, marking them up within the login environment (Cocoa).

Remote presentations

In line with EASA's desire to organise 'greener' conferences, we'd like to offer the possibility to all panels of accepting ONE remote presentation. If your paper proposal is for a remote presentation, please write 'REMOTE' at the end of the title, example: Not to touch the Earth: an anthropological perspective [Remote]

We'd like you to note the following:

  1. Zoom/Skype/the internet connection may prove to be unreliable in the venue as up to 2000 delegates will be connected on perhaps 2 or 3 devices - so we STRONGLY advise NOT to rely only on Zoom/Skype but to have a plan B in place: the remote participant should make a video recording of the presentation and send it to the convenors before the conference starts, so that it can be played it in the session if the connection fails.
  2. Remote participation still requires one to register and pay a fee: the "non-attending presenter" option at €60. The author must register via the website picking any category and write "Non-attending presenter" in the "Other special requirements" field in the registration form. The conference administrators will then update the registration category and send an invoice.
  3. Widening the availability of this option means that it isn't possible for the conference volunteers and NomadIT's small team to support remote presentations. The burden falls on panel convenors to bring a suitable laptop, establish a medium (Zoom, Skype etc) that they have practised/rehearsed with, and to have the plan B in place. NomadIT will try to provide an external USB microphone for panels taking up this remote option, to facilitate better discussion.

*Possible strategic advice

You may notice that alongside the 'Propose paper' button for each panel there is a statement as to how many papers have been proposed to that panel to-date. If you are proposing early, this statement will not be very instructive. However if you are part of the 80% who propose within the last 48hrs of the call, you might factor these statements into your consideration of where best to target your paper. If weighing up between two panels where one is heavily oversubscribed, you may have a higher chance of acceptance within the panel with fewer proposals. Obviously that's not guaranteed, but it's worth taking considering these statements.

If considering making multiple proposals, it is worth bearing in mind that good proposals which are not accepted in their original destination may be entered into a transfer process (see below) which affords a second and third attempt to house your paper.

Transfer process

Papers which are neither accepted nor rejected, but marked for 'transfer' (by the panel convenors), will be given the opportunity to be re-housed into other panels. The conference organisers will contact authors of such proposals asking them to modify their abstracts to fit another panel of their choosing. We will advise as to panels containing fewer than the allowed maximum (10) which are thus able to include a few more.

Authors will be asked to suggest two panels they would like to apply to, in order of preference. We then forward the title, short and long abstracts to the convenors and ask them to consider the proposal. If the first panel rejects the proposal, we contact the second choice. Transfers which get rejected by both panels will then be set to 'rejected'. We aim to resolve all transfers by the end of February.

View the panels and propose your paper >>

Useful information for later in this process

Editing your paper
Paper authors can use the login link in the toolbar above to edit their proposals.

Pre-circulation of papers
EASA has no rule about this; however many convenors are keen to pre-circulate completed papers. To facilitate this and save on email traffic, if requested by convenors, authors can upload PDFs of their papers within the online system, which will then show as a downloadable file beneath their abstract on the public panel page on this site. There is currently no option to restrict this to panelists/delegates (although this is in the development pipeline).

Timing of presentations
Each panel/workshop session slot will be 105 minutes long, accommodating a maximum of five presenters. Convenors should allot each presenter a maximum of 15+5 mins for panels of five papers but 20+5 mins for panels of four papers.

Communication between authors/convenors
Convenor/author email addresses are not shown on the panel pages for privacy/anti-spam reasons. However there is an in-built secure email messaging system which has been updated to give more reliable delivery. If you cannot work that, please email conference(at)easaonline.org to obtain relevant email addresses.

Any queries with the above please email conference(at)easaonline.org.


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