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Главная » 2018 » Февраль » 10 » 15 Международная школа "Политические дискурсы и измерения в Арктике и Баренцевом регионе"
15 Международная школа "Политические дискурсы и измерения в Арктике и Баренцевом регионе"

International Summer School in Karelia (ISSK)

The main focus of the ISSK’18 is discourses on the Arctic, as well as disciplinary theories and methods of Arctic studies. Theories and methods will be discussed in the context of the Barents Sea area, and that of the global Arctic, on the one hand, theoretically and holistically from many angles and disciplinary approaches, from academic and policy-oriented ones (incl. political dimensions of cooperation, interests and standpoints of different stakeholders). On the other hand, from the perspectives of past(s), present(s) and future(s), and from global Arctic and local contexts in the European Arctic.



The International Summer School in Karelia (ISSK) is a meeting-point for Russian, and Finnish, as well as other Nordic and European, university students with a focus on European, Russian and Arctic/Northern studies. Since the initial Summer School in 2003, the goal has been to bring together a limited number (20-30) of students for one week at the Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) in order to further increase their knowledge of Nordic-Russian policies and Arctic cooperation, and promote studies and academic dialogue. The ISSK is organized by Petrozavodsk State University (in Russia), and University of Lapland, and the University of Helsinki (in Finland).

For whom?    

ISSK'18 is purposed for the students of international relations, political sciences, other relevant social sciences, and economics, geography, culture and history, as well as students interested in European, Arctic and other Northern, Nordic and Russian studies.

How to apply?    

Go to https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/40493/lomake.html and follow the instructions.


Send your application by 12 March, 2018.


Active participation in daily workshops. Submit an essay of 10–12 pages on a relevant topic by end of June 2018.


No registration fee. Accommodation in a student dormitory.

Five-day course    

The ISSK’18 will be organized in Petrozavodsk 14-19 May 2018. In addition, the travel days Finland-Russia 13 May and Russia-Finland 20 May. 


Additionally, there will be an opportunity to participate in a full/half-day excursion within Karelia, to nearby sites of general interest.


Для подачи заявок необходимо заполнить анкету: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/40493/lomake.html

Больше информации на сайте https://education.uarctic.org/studies/courses/?id=391


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