Dear Colleagues,
The SGEM International Conferences on Social Sciences & Arts is delighted to announce its new captivating and scientifically-engaging topics and more expansions!
- HEALTHCARE (Sociology Section) /read more/
- TOURISM (Economics Section) /read more/
You are welcome to join this unique multidisciplinary scientific event - INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS SGEM 2014, that will be held during the period 02 – 07 September 2014, in Albena Resort & SPA, Bulgaria.
The aim of the conferences is to provide the best platform for academicians and professionals with cross-disciplinary interests related to Arts and Humanities, to exchange ideas and interact with each other.
All accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings (ISSN 1314-2704 ) indexed by ISI Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, Thomson Reuters, ELSEVIER products, SCOPUS, CrossRef, EBSCO, ProQuest,Google Scholar, Mendeley, CiteUlike, CrossRef Citedby Linking, British Library.
If you want to rise up your citation rating, this is the event which will help you to be noticed as a world distinguished author.
SESSION CONVEYORS and WORKSHOP SPEAKERS are welcomed to submit their proposals related to the conference scope. REGISTER NOW for participation at the SGEM2014 Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts and take the opportunity to present your research.
Best presentations will be nominated and their authors will be awarded.
For more information, please visit our website: |