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  • Description
  • Parameters of the autonomy
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Autonomy’s map

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Description of the autonomy

One of the 29 states of India, Meghalaya is located in the north-eastern part of the country. In the colonial period, the territory of the Khasi, Garo and Janti tribes was a part of the Assam province and had a special status of the border territories. After India's independence, this area remained part of Assam, although special autonomous units were established for each of the three tribes. Khasi, Garo, and Janti, however, demanded a separate state for themselves and received this status in 1971 during the reorganization of the north-eastern territories of the country.

All three ethnic groups are "titular" and each has its autonomous districts within the state. The language of the Garo belongs to the Sino-Tibetan language family, Khasi and Janti which are close to each other are branches of the Mon-Khmer subfamily of the Austro-Asiatic languages. These two languages ​​are nonliterate. Therefore, linguistically the titular groups are significantly different from the Indian's majority that speaks Hindi. In addition, they mostly adhere to Christianity, the proportion of Christians in the state is 70%. In total, representatives of three titular groups comprise about 80% of the state's population (Garo - 31.5%, Khasi and Janti - 47%). Among the other ethnic groups, the Bengalis are the largest (8%).

The ground for ethnic conflicts is the multi-ethnic composition of the province. In the 1990s, the struggle against the growing migration to Meghalaya of the inhabitants of other states started, but very soon the rebel organization split along ethnic lines. Nowadays the central conflict in the territory of Meghalaya is connected with autonomist / separatist movements of specific ethnic groups. On the one hand, there are supporters of the establishment of an independent state of Garoland, on the other - armed groups of Khasi, who advocate the creation of a separate state in the mountains of Khasi and Janta.

Autonomy's characteristics

  • Year of the creation of the autonomy:
  • Geographic
  • Where is the autonomy situated:
  • Autonomy area: km²
  • Share of the autonomy in the area of the country: %
  • Autonomy population:the latest census thousands of people
  • Share of the autonomy in the population of the country: %
  • Country's characteristics
  • Level of economic development of the country:GDP per capita in 2015 in current price in $ in $
  • Political regime in the country:It is based on the Freedom House Index, 2015. All countries of the world are located on a scale from 1 (most free) to 7 (least free). Countries whose ratings fall between 1.0 and 2.5 are “Free”, between 3.0 and 5.0 are "Partly Free," and those between 5.5 and 7.0 are "Not Free."
  • Economic
  • Share of the autonomy in the economy of the country:GRP of the autonomy divided to GDP of the country (%) %
  • Level of economic development of the autonomy:relative to the country (%): GRP per capita of the autonomy divided to GDP per capita of the country %
  • Ethnic
  • Share of the dominant in the country ethnic group in the population of the autonomy:in %: population size of the dominant in the country ethnic group divided to overal population size of the autonomy (the latest census; expert estimations) %
  • Share of the titular ethnic group in the population of the autonomy:in %: population size of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy divided to overal population size of the autonomy (the latest census; expert estimations) %
  • Ethnic peculiarity:It indicates a key characteristic of autonomy's ethnic identity - language or religion or both
  • Diversity of ethnic composition:The presence of other (in addition to the titular group in the autonomy and the dominant group in the country) significant ethnic groups in the population of the autonomy
  • Political
  • Degree of self-rule of the autonomy:It is based on the Regional Authority Index project that aims at measuring the powers of all the regions in 81 countries. Here the index "tier_selfrule" (2010) is used. It summarizes five dimensions of self-rule: institutional depth; policy scope; fiscal autonomy; borrowing autonomy; and the extent to which a region has an independent legislature and executive. The index takes value from 0 to 18
  • Degree of shared-rule of the autonomy:It is based on the Regional Authority Index project that aims at measuring the powers of all the regions in 81 countries. Here the index "tier_sharedrule" (2010) is used. It summarizes five dimensions of shared-rule: participation of a region in national law-making; intergovernmental meetings; the distribution of national tax revenues; borrowing; and constitutional change. The index takes value from 0 to 12
  • The presence of the "kin-state":"Kin-state" is a state whose main population shares the ethnic characteristics of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy
  • Linguistic preferences:It indicates how the language of the titular ethnic group of the autonomy is learned in secondary schools in the autonomy
  • Ethnic conflicts:It indicates whether the serious conflicts between the autonomy and the central government as well as between ethnic groups within the authority take place in 2001-2015. The level of conflict is determined on the basis of the annual reports of Conflict Barometer



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Added by: LDMitay, 16.11.2017

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