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Главная » 2017 » Ноябрь » 26 » Congress «Modernity; Frontiers and revolutions» (Ponta Delgada, 3-6 October 2018)
Congress «Modernity; Frontiers and revolutions» (Ponta Delgada, 3-6 October 2018)

Congress «Modernity; Frontiers and revolutions» (Ponta Delgada, 3-6 October 2018)

The research units CIAUD (FA — UL) and CHAM (FCSH-UNL-UAç) invite researchers from different scientific areas and cultures to gather in Ponta Delgada, Azores, October 3rd to 6th 2018, for the International and Multidisciplinary Congress PHI 2018 – “Modernity; Frontiers and Revolutions”.

The aim of the Congress is to bring together researchers from all fields, to explore and discuss two ambivalent concepts. The first motto is the Frontiers, considered both as limits and challenges. The second motto is the Revolutions, the changing of paradigms through the creation of new ones that, inevitably, incorporate part of the old status quo.

These two concepts are at the foundations of some of the fundamental changes one can observe in Modernity, from the 16th to the 20th century. They express the contradiction and complementariness of world’s evolution and human societies in the last centuries in all areas: science, the arts, humanities, politics, society and culture.

Therefore, the organizers challenge the scientific community, from all fields of expertise, to engage in a multidisciplinary discussion having both mottos in consideration. Papers should take into account how the concepts of Frontier and/or Revolution affected human evolution, societies and cultures in accordance with the principles afore-mentioned.

Only original research will be accepted. Papers must not be submitted to similar conferences neither may they be a reprint of previously presented texts.
Date for the CFP: until 31st January 2018

Contact Info:
Maria do Rosário Monteiro
CHAM-Centre for Humanites
Contact Email: dis-harmonies@fa.ulisboa.pt

For details please visit website.


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