One of the nine ethnic regions of the country. It was established in 1994 after the overthrow of the military regime of the Derg and the coming to power of the EPRDF (The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front).Harari region is the main Muslim city of Ethiopia - Harer - and its suburban zone. It is located in the east of the country. The autonomous status was ensured by the 1994 Constitution.
The titular ethnic group in the region is Harari people. They are close in linguistic respect to the dominant in the country Amhara and Tigrayans (they speak the language of the Semitic branch of the Afrasian languages) but differ fundamentally from them in terms of religion. Harari people profess Islam. In the XVI century the territory of Harari was part of the Sultanate of Harar, and later until the end of the XIX century of the Emirate of Harar.
Harari people make up only 7% of the region's population. Since the city is territorially surrounded by the Oromia region, it is not surprising that the majority of the population is Oromo people. The second largest group is Amhara, and only the third is Harari.